July 29

Homeschooling for free – Free Resources


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Homeschool for free
If you're a homeschool curriculum junkie like me, you've probably started planning, researching and drooling over all the fun homeschool items you may want to use next year.
I've compiled a list of free homeschooling resources and online courses that I try to go to first, before spending any money. It's so easy to spend money on homeschooling items, isn't it? I mean, it must be totally justified since it's “educational”.
Anyways, here's my “free homeschool curriculum” list. If you know of any more quality, free homeschooling resources or online courses, please put comment below and add yours!
Social Studies:
Scott Foresman Online Social Studies Resources – Includes  Social Studies Library, Current Events, Atlas,
This Day in History, Activities, and Meet the People
Khan Academy History –  Topics include Napoleon, French & Haitian Revolutions. Their humanities section also includes Core Finance, Banking and Money, Valuation and Investing, Venture Capital and Capital Markets, Credit Crisis, Paulson Bailout, Geithner Plan, Current Economics, and Currency
Hippo Campus – Online High School Courses. Available courses include American Government, Psychology, Religion, and US History
Language Arts:
Pearson Online Grammar and Writing Handbooks – Grades 1 through 6
Vocabulary and Spelling City – Quizes, games and study help for vocabulary and spelling
Letter of the Week – Free online reading curriculum for children through age 11
StarFall – Fun site for children who are learning, or have recently learned to read.
Scott Foresman Science – Grades 1 through 5
Khan Academy – Fantastic site, easy to understand videos, self-paced exercises, and assessments. Biology | Chemistry | Physics | Organic Chemistry | Cosmology and Astronomy
Hippo Campus – Online High School Courses. Available courses include Biology, Environmental Science, and Physics.
Pearson Mathematics – Includes Scott Foresman Mathematics for Grades 1 through 5 and Prentice Hall Algebra 1 and 2 as well as Geometry
Khan Academy – Fantastic site, easy to understand videos, self-paced exercises, and assessments. Arithmetic | Developmental Math | Pre-Algebra | Algebra | Geometry … also available are Trigonometry, Probability, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
Hippo Campus – Online High School Courses. Available courses include Algebra (both English and Spanish), Calculus (both English and Spanish), and Statistics
BigBrainz – Fun video games that teach multiplication and addition. They are also developing games for subtraction and division. My two youngest girls LOVED learning their multiplication tables with TimezAttack. There are free and paid versions of the game. I love them so much I joined their referral program! So, if your kids enjoy their games as much as mine did and want to upgrade, and you got any benefit out of this post, please join through our link and support the Taking Time for Mommy Blog! 🙂
Free Online Educational Videos:
WatchKnow – Tons of videos well organized and easy to search both by topic and age
NeoK12 – Well organized, but not searchable by age
Meet Me at the Corner – Virtual field trips for kids
Kahn Academy –  Fantastic site, easy to understand videos, self-paced exercises, and assessments. Topics include Math, Science, Humanities, and Test Prep (SAT, GMAT, CAHSEE, IIT JEE).
Multiple Subjects:
Lesson Pathways – Free K-5 Curriculum and Teaching Resources
Clickschooling – One free web-based learning idea added every weekday
Natural Learner – Online learning resources organized by a friend of mine.
Help with Curriculum Planning:
Worldbook – Typical course of study from Preschool through Grade 12. Awesome curriculum planning guide!


free, freebie, homeschooling, learning

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