May 1

Tips on How to Clean your Rugs


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As someone who lives with kids your carpets WILL get stained. You know how I feel about carpets. I like hard wood but I do have carpets in our bedrooms and big rugs.

Sigh. They get dirty and they are hard to clean but here are some tips for you.  If you are like me you can't continuously throw away your rugs.

1. Don't rub carelessly and harshly on a rug stain. Chances are, the stain would only spread and might cause permanent damage on the fabric.

2. Attend to stains quickly, nearly a hundred percent of stains could be removed by one cleaning product or another if removed in a few days time. Once the stain sets into the fabric of the rug however, the chemical reaction will remain for sometime which makes it quite impossible to remove. Also, always treat the stains very well. If you fail to do this, the stain that you have removed before may reappear after sometime. For prevention, you can cover the rug stain overnight with a thick absorbent cloth and weigh down with something heavy. This will help press the cloth to the rug. After which, clean the stain accordingly.

3. Before applying any chemicals or cleaning agents on your rug, test a small portion first and check for changes. Some carpets are very sensitive and may loose colors quickly against certain chemicals.

4. Among the hardest stains to remove in rugs are the mildews and the molds. They don't grow overnight so you could not expect to get rid of them overnight too. While they may be the most stubborn stains, they only require simple solutions plus a lot of patience. For colored rugs, you can go for lemon juice, non-chlorine bleach or salt solution. However, you can also use hydrogen peroxide for the stains if you are sure that these would not be harmful for the specific rug.

5. Always watch for spills on your rug and attend to them immediately. Usually, water helps a lot in cleaning spills however, if this does not work you can expand your search towards some cleaning agents.

Still can't get the stain out? Call a professional!

Brought to you by manhattan rug cleaning


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