January 17

How to Make Dog Treats, Step by Step


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Homemade dog treats

Learning how to make dog treats is actually incredibly easy, as dogs will eat pretty much anything you will put in front of them. However, by making them you will not only delight the dog and reward it for good behavior, but you also want it to be something that will help it remain healthy. In the end it is about knowing what foods are good for your dog, and then simply baking them into treat form.

The Process

Baking your dog treats is just like baking any type of cookies:

1. Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl and the dry ingredients in another bowl.

2. Mix the two bowls together to make your cookie dough.

3. Shape your cookies into the dog treat form of your choice.

4. Place the cookies on a baking tray, with a greased or buttered plastic cooking sheet between the cookies and the tray.

5. Set the cookies in the oven to cook for 10 or 15 minutes.

6. Remove the treats from the oven and set them to cool.

7. Once they have cooled, use a spatula to remove them from the baking tray.

8. Feed them to your dog, and store the excess treats for later.

As simply as that, you can whip up your treats. However, before you start, it is important to know which ingredients will be good for your dog.

The Ingredients

Dog treats are basically cookies for dogs, and you can make a wide range of them by using mostly ingredients from around your home. There are a few ingredients that can be dangerous for your dog, such as raisins that can get lodged in the throat.

Do your research into the dog food ingredients that can actually harm your dog, and you will be pleasantly surprised to find that most of the foods around your house are just fine for dogs.

Here is a list of some of the best ingredients that your “good boy” will love:

  • Almonds
  • Milk
  • Beef
  • Liver
  • Apple
  • Cinnamon
  • Bacon
  • Peanut Butter
  • Banana
  • Oatmeal
  • Honey
  • Turkey
  • Yoghurt
  • Wheat

All of these ingredients are excellent to include, and you will find that whipping up a batch of these delightful dog treats can be the best way to reward your dog for its good behavior.

Search online and you'll find many great dog treat recipes that you can use to whip up a batch. You may find that your dog will prefer a certain treat over the others, and you can use it as a means of instilling positive behavior in your dog and rewarding him for being a “good boy”.

Having full control of their dog's nutrition and/or eliminating dog food allergies are two reason that people choose to use homemade dog food recipes. Learn how homemade dog treats recipes will make your dog will love you even more when you visit our Website.



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  1. How cute are those! This is perfect timing for me to run across this post. We just adopted two little chihuahuas! I want a cutter to make the bone shape! hehe

  2. Thanks for this post! My dog (Carmella) has really bad food allergies. Poor little Doll has been without treats for almost a year now as every store made one seems to disagree with her. I will have to try these!

  3. I’m sure my dogs would love homemade treats! Not only would they love them I think my budget would love them as well. This is a great idea to cut back on buying some of those expensive store bought treats!

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