April 16

Katie and the North Star Blast and Giveaway


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Katie and the North Star!

This book is suitable for children four and up, and is available now in ebook and paperback!
Cover Design by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design
Illustrations by Hetty Mitchell
Follow Katie and Bethany:
Katie and the North Star is a book filled with adventure, joy, and imagination. Join Katie as she learns why she can't keep the North Star all to herself.
Katie and Bethany Lopez are a mother and daughter writing team. Katie is currently navigating through the first grade. She loves reading, writing, and Shopkins. Bethany writes stories for all ages. She enjoys writing full time, and spending time with her family. Katie and the North Star is their first collaboration.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway


Katie and the North Star by Katie Lopez


Katie and the North Star


by Katie Lopez


Giveaway ends April 15, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.


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