June 20

M & M Cookies Recipe


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M & M Cookies Recipe

It is finally starting to cool off here in Colorado. It is in the 40’s and 50’s overnight, but then gets to the upper 70’s during the day.  This is the perfect weather for me.  I could live like this year round.  It is getting me in the apple and pumpkin spirit.  I can’t quite grasp that the holidays are quickly approaching though.  I will just stick with this for a few more months.

Do you have days where you just need a cookie?  I have those kind of days.  That is why more days that not you can find cookie dough in my freezer.  Ready to just bake a few fresh cookies. M & M Cookies Recipe have always been a favorite in my family.  Not sure why they better than just plain chocolate chip, but I guess adding more chocolate is never a bad thing.  As you will see, my M&M cookies aren’t only M&M.  They have chocolate chips in there too!
These are a staple at our house over the holidays.  Often times they are the first baked right around Thanksgiving, and they are the kick off to the holiday season.  I am really not ready for the holiday season, but I just had to share these with you.  They are super simple, but oh so good!  And with all the colored M&M’s out there, you can make M & M Cookies Recipe fit with whatever seasonal party or get together you are doing. 

M & M Cookies Recipe

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup  chocolate chips
1 1/2 cup M&M’s (plain)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix together the butter, shortening, sugar and brown sugar until well combined.  Mix in the vanilla and eggs.  Stir in flour, baking soda and salt until well mixed.  Using a spatula fold in chocolate chips and 1 cup M&M’s.

Scoop small balls of dough (about golf ball size) onto a baking sheet.  Top each cookie with a few M&M’s.  Bake for 10 minutes, until lightly golden brown around the edges.  Allow to cool slightly on baking sheet before removing to a wire rack.


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  1. So glad you posted this recipe. I was just thinking I needed to make some cookies, and I couldn’t decide which kind I should make. Off to the kitchen I go!

  2. This brings back memories! I used to make these all the time, for home and to give to others. I must make these the nostalgia is coming on!

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