December 5

Nate Rocks the World Book Review


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Nate Rocks the World

Ten-year-old Nathan Rockledge cannot catch a break. After all, life as a fourth-grader can be hazardous what with science projects to deal with and recess football games to avoid. Everyone, including his best friend Tommy, seems to have bad luck when hanging around Nathan. Throw in an older sister who is a royal pain, a dad who is stuck in the past, and a mom who keeps trying to poison him with her awful cooking, and poor Nathan’s life as a fourth grader appears to be completely doomed. Armed only with his sketchpad, his imagination, and his wits, Nathan Rockledge navigates the perils of the fourth grade in style, to emerge heroic, as Nate Rocks, proving that even a ten-year-old can accomplish great things. Follow the quirky and imaginative adventures of ten-year-old Nathan Rockledge as his cartoons come to life.
About the Author:
Karen Pokras Toz is a writer, wife and mom. Karen grew up in the small town of Orange, Connecticut and graduated from Ithaca College with a degree in Finance. She also attended the University of Richmond, where she studied law and business, receiving both a JD and an MBA. Karen has spent the last several years working as a tax accountant, writing in numbers. She recently discovered a passion for writing with words. She is the 2011 honoree and spokesperson for the Eastern Pennsylvania Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell 5K Run. Karen enjoys gardening, cooking, and spending time with her husband and three children. 
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Mandie's Thoughts – My daughter is 7 but is in 3rd grade. I was a little apprehensive because the Nate is 10 and wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for her but he's in 4th grade so I decided we'd give it a try.
She loved the cover right away and told me it was HILARIOUS. We'd sit on the couch reading and she would crack up.
I think she really connected with this book because she is a huge day dreamer and so is Nate. His imagination helps him deal with everyday life.
The book is meant for 9 – 12 but my daughter read and enjoyed it with ease.
My little book nerd stated she wants more.
We received a product for our honest review no other compensation was received.


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