September 28

Nocturne Book Review


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   Nocturne by Syrie James

When Nicole Whitcomb's car runs off a Colorado mountain road during a blinding snowstorm, she is saved from death by a handsome, fascinating, and enigmatic stranger.

Snowbound with him for days in his beautiful home high in the Rockies, she finds herself powerfully attracted to him. But there are things about him that mystify her, filling her with apprehension. Who is Michael Tyler? Why does he live in such a secluded spot and guard his private life so carefully? What secret—or secrets—is he hiding?

Nicole has secrets of her own and a past she is running from—but Michael understands her better than anyone she has ever known. Soon, she is falling as deeply in love with him as he is with her— a profoundly meaningful experience that is destined to change their lives forever.

As the sexual tension between them builds, however, the clues mount up. When Nicole learns her host's terrifying secret, there is nowhere for her to run but into the blizzard raging outside, and Michael may be the only one who can save her life.

Filled with unexpected twists and surprises, Nocturne is a page-turning, haunting, and deeply romantic story of forbidden love that will grab your heart and not let go.

Read An Excerpt

Reading Group Study Guide

Mandie's Thoughts – I don't want to give anything away but when I started reading and realized the supernatural aspect I groaned a bit. You know me I LOVE supernatural but I thought this was something different and looking forward to it. I kept reading and I have to say that this is a VERY good book. I've never read a book with only two characters before. I really got to know Michael and the supernatural aspect was almost secondary to me.

I usually wince when books have people madly in love right away but this was so tactfully done. It was romantic and Nicole and Michael had so much in common.  The pacing was a little different than what I usually enjoy, a bit slower but I enjoyed it none the less.

I have to tell you I cried at the end and there had better be a second book!!

Check out the Author's Blog, Face book, and Twitter.

I received this book for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received.


book, paranormal, review, vampire

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