September 30

Priestess Dreaming Blog Tour Exclusive Excerpt #Giveaway


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PriestessDreamingBlogTourBanner3PRIESTESS DREAMING is the 16th book in the series, and D'Artigo sister Camille's 6th book as the

main point of view. In the series, the three sisters, Camille, Delilah, and Menolly, are each half fae,

half “something else”. Camille is a Moon witch, who is, with her sisters and their partners, on continuing

adventures to protect her family and friends, both on earth and in Otherworld, from a host of evil.

PriestessDreaming520We're the D'Artigo sisters: savvy

half-human, half-Fae operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. My sister Delilah is a two-faced

werecat and a Death Maiden. Menolly is a vampire married to a gorgeous werepuma. And me? I'm a

Moon witch married to three gorgeous husbands, and I'm about to journey through the veils to search

for a long lost legend…

With the war in Otherworld raging, the Queen of Shadow and Night

summons me to her court. Aeval orders me to embark on a hunt through the mists to find an ancient

ally she once knew. I must seek out The Merlin and wake him from his long sleep. But Morgaine and

Bran are along for the journey, and the pair pose a threat to both me and my quest. Now, surrounded

by danger on all sides, I must pray they are allies rather than enemies, as we undertake a perilous search

through the labyrinth of time…

Here's how YOU can pre-order your copy…

Preorder  Priestess Dreaming from Amazon Preorder Priestess Dreaming  fromAudiobook Stand Order Priestess Dreaming Order Priestess  Dreaming

Order  Priestess Dreaming

I would definitely recommend reading the previous books in the series first. While each book does have

a bit of a recap, there isn't enough information (which would have to be considerable, honestly) to

start this far into the story and fully understand all that's going on. So, if you haven't started the series,

DEFINITELY pick up WITCHLING and get going!!! I promise, it won't take you as long as you may think to

get caught up. (Think marathon… order pizza for the family, and get comfy!!)

One way to start… if you haven't yet… is to WIN a copy of WITCHLING!!!

Also, you can click the rafflecopter link below to enter a tour wide goodie bag prize hosted by Yasmine!!!

(including random goodies, swag, and a $50 Gift Card!)


Read this excerpt –
Tanne calmly walked toward the creature. He paused till it noticed

him, then, as it made a beeline for him, he began to back up quickly toward the

impromptu bonfire-in-waiting. The men had been able to gather quite a few

branches from the forest, and had piled the mound of brush and sticks a good

five feet high.

Delilah motioned for Morgaine and Arturo to back up. Mordred and Bran

took a clue and also moved to the side.

As Tanne neared the brush pile, he suddenly dove to the side as the hive-
monster sped up, charging for him. The sound of the buzzing made my skin crawl

and I shuddered, forcing myself to hold my ground.

Up close, the creature was a nightmare of whirling, buzzing wasps. They

formed the vague shape of a giant, seven feet tall at least. A few of the insects

broke off from the hive, probably reconnaissance, scouting ahead for new prey.

Wasps were carnivorous, which told me that the hive-monster most likely ate its

As Tanne dove to the side, Delilah tossed the first firebomb into the

bonfire. It exploded on impact, and the branches burst into flame. The hive-
monster began to rampage—a number of wasps shooting out from the thick of it.

Delilah threw another bomb on the flames and the fire flared, smoke pouring out

over the creature. She tossed the third one for good measure and the resulting

explosion released a massive plume of smoke.

Tanne stepped forward, not close enough to be a target, but close enough

to start singing what I now recognized as the Spell of Unraveling.

The wasps raged. For the most part, they seemed to be trapped within

the construct of the magical body. But, as Tanne’s spell began to work, the

framework holding the wasps together dissipated. The cluster began to separate,

chaotic masses of the insects swarming off. Several of the clumps fell to the

ground, the smoke killing them. Still others scattered, the wasps drunkenly

careening toward the forest.

We backed away. If we could get out of here without being stung, so much

the better. Skirting the scene slowly but steadily, after a few minutes we were far

enough away to chance stopping for a look back.

The fire was still burning brightly but we couldn’t see any sign of the

massive hive. Whatever magic had went into keeping the wasps together was

gone, destroyed by the smoke and the spell.

“Good luck, you little freaks.” Even though I hated wasps—they were

mean suckers—they deserved to be free, answering to their queen, not whoever

had enslaved them.

Another ten minutes and there was no sign of any wasps. Hopefully, they

had a happier future ahead, and we’d gotten off easy. If I hadn’t brought those

firebombs, this could have gone drastically wrong. That many stings—if they’d

attacked us—could easily kill us. And hitting a wasp with a sword or a dagger?

Not so effective.

“We lucked out on that one.” I stared back along the path. “We may not be

so fortunate in the future.”


Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour for more fun posts,

interviews, reviews… and more chances to WIN!! Also, check out Yasmine's blog for another exclusive contest! Here are the rest of the blog

stops leading up to PRIESTESS DREAMING's release on Tuesday:

Wednesday 9/24

Literary Escapism

Books That Hook

Thursday 9/25

Bea's Book Nook

Books, Life, Coffee Blog

Friday 9/26

Vampire Book Club

Romancing The Dark Side

Saturday 9/27

I Smell Sheep

Books Make Me Happy

Sunday 9/28

Nerd Girl Official

Binding Addiction

Monday 9/29


Paranormal Haven

Tuesday 9/30

Taking Time For Mommy

Book Lovin' Mamas



Book 1


Book 2


Book 3

Dragon  WytchDragon Wytch

Book 4

Night HuntressNight Huntress

Book 5

Demon MistressDemon Mistress

Book 6

Bone MagicBone Magic

Book 7

Harvest  HuntingHarvest Hunting

Book 8

Blood WyneBlood Wyne

Book 9

Courting  DarknessCourting Darkness

Book 10

Shaded VisionShaded Vision

Book 11

Shadow RisingShadow Rising

Book 12

Haunted MoonHaunted Moon

Book 13

Autum  WhispersAutumn Whispers

Book 14

Crimson VeilCrimson Veil

Book 15

Priestess DreamingPriestess Dreaming

Book 16

About Yasmine:

Hi, I'm New York Times, USA TODAY, and Publisher's Weekly bestselling author Yasmine

Galenorn. In April 2012, I won a Career Achievement Award in Urban Fantasy at the Romantic Times


I write urban fantasy/paranormal romance for Berkley: the Otherworld Series,

(aka Sisters of the Moon Series), the Indigo Court Series, and the upcoming spin-off series in theyg

Otherworld altaverse–the Fly By Night Series.

And yes, I'm a shamanic witch and am considered an elder in the Pagan community, having been in the

Craft since February 29th (yes, leap year day), 1980. I walk an eclectic path and consider my life to be a

blend of teacups and tattoos–the former in my china closet, the latter on my skin–I'm heavily inked. I

collect teacups, teapots, Old Country Roses china (Royal Albert), antlers and skulls (of the non-human

variety), daggers and crystals. And of course, my bookshelves are overflowing with books. I cannot walk

out of a bookstore without buying at least one book. My TBR pile is huge!



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  1. The title on this one caught my attention, and then I saw the cover art and had to check it out. Sounds like a great read and I’ve added it to my books I need to read list.

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