November 14

Pump it Up Book Blast


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Pump It UpPump It Up

Ernie Boudreaux provides back room silicone injections at bargain basement prices for those looking to enhance their anatomy. Unfortunately some of his patients pay the ultimate price. When a patient dies on the table Ernie tries to dispose of the body, but doesn’t count on a witness.

Dave Ryan is on vacation in Flagler Beach, Florida and enjoying an evening stroll along A1A when he suddenly finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when he witnesses two people throwing a body into a dumpster. The next thing he knows, he’s sitting on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean chained to an anchor.

Ex-Navy SEAL Ike is just trying to enjoy a quiet evening on his boat with friends—but it isn’t meant to be. Before he can say sex-change operation he finds himself caught in a high-speed, high-stakes adventure with the lives of his friends hanging in the balance.

Pump It Up is a non-stop ride through a neighborhood where you leave the windows up and lock the doors.

Purchase Pump It Up on Kindle / Paperback

About the Author

Tim Baker was born and raised in Warwick, Rhode Island.

After graduating from The Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1980 he embarked on a career in Architecture and Engineering. Along the way he has also worked in the natural gas industry, construction and ice cream sales.

In his spare time he enjoys a wide variety of activities including sports of all kinds, music, photography, model building and, of course, writing. An avid dog lover, Tim was a volunteer puppy raiser for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, raising and socializing potential guide dogs. He has also studied and taught martial arts.

Inspired by his interest in Karma and the unexplained forces of the universe, he made his first serious attempt at writing in 1988 when he began writing a novel entitled Full Circle, a story about the far reaching effects that one man's actions can have on people he has never even met.

Currently, Tim is enjoying life in Palm Coast, Florida.

Follow Tim Baker
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Giveaway Prize:

One winner will win a copy of all of Tim Baker's books! In addition to Pump it Up (listed above), Tim Baker is the author of the following:

Living the Dream Living The Dream
Kindle / Paperback
No Good Deed No Good Deed
Kindle / Paperback
Water Hazard Water Hazard
Kindle / Paperback
Backseat To Justice Backseat To Justice
Kindle / Paperback

The Contest is for a complete set of all of Tim Baker's Books! Must be 18+ US Resident. Ends 12/02 11:59 PM EST Fill out the form below to enter
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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