June 10

25 Rainy Day Crafts


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Rainy Days

It's that time of the year where it rains for a little bit Every. Single. Day. and the kids can't go outside and explore.
I'm not big on video game, I'd rather us sit down together and do crafts together.
I have compiled a list of  25 Rainy Day Crafts for you.
Also check out

Rainy Days Kid’s Crafts – Spoon Puppets

1. Newspaper Shirt – Fun and will keep the kids busy for quite awhile. They can make pants, scarves, and color them!
2. Homemade Play Dough – This is a calming playdough. Uses essential oils. Great idea!
3. Dragon Fly Craft – How adorable and EASY!
4. Lady Bug Craft – These were always a hit with my girls.
5. Sun Catcher – I want to make these too! How much fun and you can use them when the sun comes back out. 
6. Rice Busy Bags – The older kids can make these for the little ones.
7. Tie Dye Tablecloth – Perfect for picnics and the kids will love that they helped!
8. Foam Crowns – Make them princesses and princes for the day.
9.Patriotic Play-Doh Recipe + Flag Craft Activity – Great for when you study the US too.
10. Handprint Sunflower – Adorable Craft for the little ones.
11. Pretend Magic Potions – Great for Halloween too!
12. Play Dough Party Favors – Great cheap gifts.
13. Cheerio Bird Feeder – Makes great bracelets too.
14. Homemade Slime – Who doesn't like slime? Making it also counts as Science, right?
15. Chocolate Play Dough Recipe – Remember to tell the kids not to eat it.
16. Didgeridoo Craft – Looking to keep them busy? This will do it.
17. Fuzzy Lamb Paper Plate Craft – Very easy and cute craft. Great for younger kids.
18. Creative Corks – I always seem to have corks laying around so this will be fun.
19. Captain America DIY Envelope – My girls (and me too ) love Captain America!
20. Color Matching Butterflies – These are cute, especially for younger kids.
21. Popsicle Stick Park Bench – How clever!
22. DIY Silly Putty – This is easier than you'd think.
23. Treasure Map – Even though one of my girls is now pre-teen, they still like to do this.
24. I Spy Jars – These are really adorable!
25. Popsicle Stick Bookmark – THESE – THESE are the CUTEST!!! 


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  1. This is a great list of craft ideas. The weather is going to be cold and wet soon so this will be good to have. The kids enjoy doing crafts.

  2. Chocolate Play Dough Recipe is the one that I want to try and we are going into the rainy season and think that these are some awesome crafts for me to do with my son and daughter!!

  3. There are so many different fun projects here. I like the bird feeder and spoon puppets the most.

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