July 3

Restaurant Style Salsa #Recipe


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Restaurant Style Salsa_labeled

Salsa has to be my all time favorite dip. It is one of the biggest reasons why I like Mexican food (and the Margaritas!) so much. I already have quite a few salsa recipes on my blog, but that never stops me from trying new ones. There is just so much you can do with salsa; quesadillas, taquitos, nachos, tacos, hamburgers, or just plain with tortilla chips. I am even winning my 8 year old over. As long as it isn’t spicy, he is becoming a fan of salsa as well!


With the 4th of July tomorrow, this is the perfect dip to add to your menu.  Just add a few ingredients to the food processor, and you are good to go!

Go to Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts go get the recipe!


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