August 14

REVENGE FIRES BACK by JR Thompson Book Review


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Revenge Fires Back TourRevengefiresback5He tries to control his anger,but it gets the best of him.
He makes poor decisions,and quickly discovers
Brady Clark's family chooses horrible timing for their first camping trip – a night when a fierce storm leaves them stranded in the woods. Circumstances that leave him running around in the forest wearing, well, let's just say less than appropriate attire cause him to unleash his anger by physically assaulting his father.
Not yet ready to face the discipline he has coming, Brady makes false allegations against both of his parents. That one foolish move throws the Clarks into a world they know very little about. A world that could possibly prevent them from ever dwelling together again as a family unit.
Can God use these trials to wake this family up to His purpose?

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Lately I've been reading books that are out of the norm for me and this was one of them. I don't usually read mystery and the only Christian books I read are sweet romance but I'm glad I stretched my wings into reading something different.

This was a nice clean read, no profanity, sex, or language. Yet it kept me on my toes without adding those unneeded elements. Much of the story is told through a teenage boy's view and it was action packed with a little horror.

I recommend this book for anyone that loves a good story!

Christian novelist JR Thompson, and his wife Hannah, are residents of Montana. He
writes fiction and maintains a blog on his website. None of thompson's writings
contain any foul language.

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  1. I like books that are clean and easy to read. I like the sound of this book and am going to check it out and read it. Thanks for sharing. I love to read.

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