August 5

Rising Sun Falling Star Blog Tour


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Rising SunRising Sun, Falling Star

Different eyes and skin
Mock me from the mirror’s light
Enemy am I.

Dec 7, 1941
Today my life changed forever . . . I am no longer considered American, but by shear heritage I am now the hated enemy . . .
The lives of Kenji and Aiko Onishi and their American-born children are about to unravel when the United States is thrust into war with Japan. Confronted by insurmountable prejudice and fear, the family is ripped from their California home without just cause by the American government and sent to an assembly center “for their own protection.”
Forced to live in deplorable circumstances, every aspect of their lives regulated and controlled, the Onishi’s freedoms are stripped from their grasp as they struggle to survive behind barbed wire. It isn’t long before the mind-numbing confinement and feelings of helplessness begin to pit the family against one another.
When sent to a relocation camp in the center of the Utah desert, they’re beset by ever increasing emotional and physical challenges, and Aiko is faced with her greatest yet: to mend the broken spirits of her family, or risk losing them forever.
Based on true and tragic events that transpired during World War II, Rising Sun, Falling Star is a heart-rending story of one family’s struggle to survive uncalculated loss and emotional destruction.



Author Vickie Hall

Vickie is a native of Utah, but growing up, lived in the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska. When she’s not writing, she’s composing music, or shopping with her sister. She loves animals of all kinds and camping with her family. Her favorite pastime is watching old movies on TCM, and unashamedly has a crush on Cary Grant.

Is this your first book or have you published before?

No, this is my fourth book. All That Was Promised came out in 2011, Secrets of the Red Box in 2012, Journey of Promise in March 2013, and Rising Sun, Falling Star now.

Are you working on anything else?
Yes, a speculative fiction about a creation similar to Frankenstein, but that all of his parts retain cellular memory of the previous owner. It's turning out to be an interesting story so far. I'm calling it “OF FLESH AND MEMORY”.
Do you have any advice for authors wanting to publish? (Why did you choose to go indie? If this applies – If not why traditional)

This is my second indie publication. I chose to go indie because of the freedoms you can't get with traditional publishing. Indie publishing has headaches as well, but at least I feel that I'm working entirely for my own benefit instead of for a publisher who has too much control over my work.

What is your favorite writing snack?

Potato Chips!!!!

What gets you in the mood to write?

Getting up in the morning! I love to write so I can't wait to start each day.

Who is your favorite character and why?

Each book brings a new favorite. In Rising Sun, Falling Star it's Aiko – the mother of the family. She is strong and unwilling to let her family succumb to the horrors of internment.

Favorite book of all time?

Follow The River by James Alexander Thom

What made you want to write this book?

Because it's not a well-known piece of American history. Not much has been written on the subject and I felt it was important that we learn about this horrible tragedy and perhaps learn from it.

I think breakfast says a lot about a person, what is your perfect breakfast?

A scrambled egg and cantaloupe. But, if I could eat whatever I wanted, that's a different story. Then I'd have Swedish pancakes, bacon, toast, eggs, and hash browns!

Do you have a favorite period of time that you like to write about or would like to live? 

I love the World War II era and would have like to live during that time. I love the fashions, the movies, the music and the sense of American accomplishment

Please tell us in one sentence why we should read your book!

You won't believe that the American government could have done such horrible things to its own citizens.


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$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 8/11/13

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