December 5

Saving Money on Children’s Clothing


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My oh my, it seems like just yesterday my little ones were tiny tots, and now they're growing like weeds! It's a never-ending cycle of needing new clothes and shoes. But guess what? You don't have to break the bank to keep your kids looking stylish and well-dressed. There are plenty of budget-friendly options out there, and I'm here to spill the beans on how you can score some amazing deals.

One of my absolute favorite go-to options is hitting up the local consignment shops. We're lucky to have some fantastic ones in our area. The best part? Everything you find there is top-notch quality, and you can personally inspect each item to ensure it meets your standards. And here's a little bonus – you can declutter your kids' closets while you're at it and get store credit to put towards even more clothing. It's a win-win!

But that's not all, folks! If you're looking for a convenient way to shop from the comfort of your home, eBay and Thread Up have got your back. I can't tell you how many times I've scored fantastic bulk deals on these platforms. It's like a treasure hunt, and the loot is always worth it.

Now, here's a thrifty option that might require a bit more time and patience – yard sales. Trust me, the hunt is half the fun! You can stumble upon clothing treasures at ridiculously low prices. My personal favorite is when people let you fill up bags of clothes for just a couple of dollars. It's like hitting the jackpot!

Ever heard of clothing swaps? I was part of a fantastic mom's group, and we used to organize these seasonally. It's like a clothing exchange party where you get FREE clothing! Just keep in mind that everyone's standards may not align with yours, so a careful inspection is essential. But hey, a couple of hours of your time can lead to a whole new wardrobe for your kiddos.

And let's not forget about the magic of discount clothing websites. A quick Google search will reveal a treasure trove of websites where you can snag brand-name clothing at jaw-dropping prices. It's like having a secret stash of affordable fashion right at your fingertips.

With all these options, my family and I rarely find ourselves buying anything at full retail price anymore. Our children always look cute and well-dressed, and the best part is, they have a closet full of options they don't even get to wear. It's a win for our wallets and our style game! So, why pay more when you can dress your little ones to impress without breaking the bank? Happy shopping!


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  1. Pingback: Saving Money on Children's Clothing | | OMG Shoes! - The Shoe Blog
  2. My son’s in jr high now, and I swear he grows an inch taller every day! I used to get clothes from my sister, until my son caught up with her’s, now they’re both in an adult medium! He has definite opinions about what he’ll wear, and what he won’t. The good thing is his favorite outfit is either a t-shirt and jeans or a sports shirt and shorts. Sometimes I’ve found some great thrift store deals for those!
    Linette Gerlach recently posted..Labor Day Cocktail RecipesMy Profile

  3. These are great tips on how to save on children’s clothing! You not only save, you also help keep those items out of landfills by reusing! I can’t tell you how much money these tips have helped me save. Thanks for sharing!

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