May 8

Simple ways to help you lose weight & 8 Minute Keto Ranch Chicken Salad


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This post is sponsored by Hidden Valley Ranch, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you know that I’ve lost around 40lbs. It didn’t come off super fast like some people but it has stayed off for the last couple of years. It wasn’t incredibly hard, it was actually very doable and I think most people can do it.

Here are a few things you can do to get started:

With anything you need to start slow and instead of getting crazy gung-ho because you’ll lose traction and are more apt to not stick with it.

  1. Add more protein to your diet. Most people aren’t getting enough protein. You need it for your brain and for you to build muscle (which also burns fat).
  2. Drink Water – When you drink it throughout the day it helps you feel full so you aren’t as snacky. Squeeze some lemon or other citrus in it. Drinking water also speeds up your metabolism.
  3. Drink less alcohol or stay away from it all together- Alcohol will actually slow down your metabolism causing your body to store more fat.
  4. Plan Your Meals in Advance – When you plan your meals you are less tempted to reach for junk. You have a game plan and have bought good healthy foods. That isn’t always an option so make sure you have fast meals. I have a great healthy salad packed full of protein and is super-fast to make.

8 Minute Keto Ranch Chicken Salad

You can make this salad in 5 minutes, but I say 8 just in case you work slower. It is the perfect lunch. I also like to eat these yummy chicken strips throughout the day to get some extra protein in.


What you need:

Pack of chicken cutlets

Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning and Shaker

Lettuce of your choice


Mozzarella cheese

How to make it:

Take cutlets and slice them down the middle so they cook faster. Generously sprinkle the dressing mix all over the chicken, flip to get the other side. Cook for 8 minutes or until cooked all the way through, it took about 5 minutes.

While the chicken is cooking, cut the lettuce, cheese, and avocado and put on the plate. You can use the salad dressing mix to make salad dressing too but I didn’t need dressing with this. The chicken is so flavorful!

Looking for a low carb snack? Oil popped popcorn has only 4.65 g of carbs per cup

Sprinkle Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning and Shaker on your popcorn! I pop it on the stove then sprinkle this on. So YUM!


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  1. This chicken looks really delicious. I need to make this recipe and I love the Ranch seasoning. So delicious.

  2. This looks delicious and so refreshing (not to mention easy to make). I haven’t seen the Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning and Salad Dressing Mix Shaker in the stores, but will be sure to look for it.

  3. I am constantly counting calories and watching what I eat, but I find if I plan ahead i’m more likely to make good balanced choices.Otherwise i’m guessing and hoping!

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