February 22

So Damn Lucky Book Review and #bookgiveaway


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So Damn Lucky

Lucky O’Toole—Head of Customer Relations at The Babylon, premier mega-resort on the Vegas Strip—thinks it’s just another night in Las Vegas. But then a magician pulls a disappearing act, right under Lucky’s nose. Is it a stunt? Or something worse?
While Lucky chases leads, someone is trying to put her off the scent. As if this wasn’t enough to ruin her day, Lucky’s relationship with The Big Boss is coming to a head—past hurts can no longer be denied. Of course, she is already on shaky emotional ground: Teddie, her live-in, has been touring with a young and lovely pop star. Paxton Dane, former coworker and would-be suitor, is still circling, hoping to find a chink in the armor of Lucky’s resolve. And then, there’s this French chef, who is proving to be too hot to handle….
Las Vegas expert Deborah Coonts thrills again with this third installment in her dazzling series focused on casino “fixer” Lucky O’Toole.

Pre-Order it HERE

This is the 3rd book in the series and it just gets better and better. I love the pace and humor of the Lucky O'Toole books! You can read this as a stand alone because the author gives you enough back story.

Want to win a copy? (Don't forget to get the other two!) Fill out the form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclaimer – I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.


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