September 9

Veiled Book Tour and Giveaway – Winner!!


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Can love survive the forgetting effects of the Veil?

“I have always existed, not just me but all of us,
the spirits who wait to live.”
Tess is an unborn spirit, who is about to embark on a much awaited journey into mortality to a brand new planet called Earth.  She is chosen by the Eternals for an important mission, and is put through rigorous training, which exposes her to some of her darkets fears and insecurities.  These experiences, however, enhance her gift as a discerner of thoughts and reader of auras – thus helping her become one of Heaven's most powerful angels.  But even angels falter, and deep inside her, a gnawing fear is growing.  Will she meet her soul mate in life?  Will their love be strong enough to overcome the forgetting effects of the Veil?  And, is she prepared to take on the responsibility of keeping the most dangerous renegade and leader of the Fallen Angels at bay during mortality?


Silvina B. Niccum was born in Rosario, Argentina and raised in Buenos Aires.  Her family immigrated to the US, when she was fourteen.  She attended the University of Utah and studied Spanish Literature. Silvina now lives in Dallas, TX. with her husband and her three homeschooled children.
I know I had a giveaway for Veiled in the past but it was only an ebook version for our book club members but NOW I'm having one open for everyone! Print or ebook if you live in the US or are in Canada & Ebook Internationally.
Although this book is labeled Speculative Christian  Young Adult Fiction. (Wow, that's a mouthful!)  I think that anyone will enjoy it no matter your religion. I love Angels (Fallen and not) and soul mates is so romantic. I have to admit I read a lot of fast action packed books so when I started it I had to readjust and find some time to really enjoy it. Once I had time to sit back and dive into it I LOVED it.  Can't wait to read the next!


Didn't Win? Well BUY the Kindle Version for only $3.99 HERE and the Print Version HERE



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  1. I have already read the book as you know so I don’t want to enter the contest. Just stopping by to share in the fun of the blog tour:)

    I love the new look too Mandie!

  2. I am very intrigued by angels & when I first saw this book I really thought it was about vampires for some wierd reason! since it’s not I want to try & win a copy! Thanks!
    pinchbuggies at

  3. I would love to read this on. I’m more of a paranormal reader of a different kind. I would likw to read this one. Just to see where it takes me. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

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