September 26

Vive Health Keeps You Moving


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Brought to you by Vive Health

Vive Health Keeps You Moving:

These days, moms wear many hats; career woman, full-time mom, nurse, or cook; the list goes on and on. We all know that a mom’s responsibilities are usually overwhelming…on a daily basis. The last thing a mom needs is to get injured that would slow her down. Unfortunately, it’s so easy to get injured; simply stepping or walking the wrong way, lifting, or applying too much pressure on an object.  The dangers could be anywhere!

Treatment and support will need to be as conservative as possible to not interfere with daily responsibilities. Moms can’t afford to slow down without compromising obligations. Missing work is often not an option and there is always things to get done when you have little ones.

What is a mom to do? For minor injuries, the expense and time it takes to visit a medical clinic is commonly not feasible.To assist with this issue, it’s important to know treatment options that can easily be implemented at home. The most common treatment for simple injuries is called the R.I.C.E. method, an acronym made just for healing injuries.


Taking a little time to rest is important to the healing process. This does not have to equal to resting all day, but awareness of your injury and is required to avoid further damage.


This is great for while you’re resting.  Apply ice to the affected area. It’s good to wrap an ice pack in a towel, so it’s not too cold for your skin.


Support for the injured area is almost always necessary. The use of supports or braces can really make a positive impact on the healing process.


Be sure to elevate the affected area by propping it up on pillows or a stack of blankets. Use anything you may have that will be comfortable for you.

Along with the incorporation of the R.I.C.E. method, health support items are available for purchase to assist with alleviating pain and aid in healing. These can be used while performing your daily activities or even during exercise.

Vive Health is an online medical supply company that offers specifically designed supports and braces for sprains, strains, and sore muscles. Vive Health’s mission statement is to allow you to live comfortably by providing the highest quality health and medical products at unbeatable prices.

Shoulder Support:

The Vive Universal Shoulder Support is designed to relieve pains and discomfort associated  in the shoulder area.  It provides support to the rotator cuff and improves stability. You can find it here, or purchase through amazon. Made out of 100% neoprene fabric and extra-strength fastening material you can achieve the perfect fit to ensure a comfortable, breathable fit that will stay secure throughout use. With adjustable compression it is simple to provide just the right amount of support you need. The shoulder brace can be used during exercise and daily activities.


Knee Support:

Vive’s Universal Knee Brace is a versatile product designed to provide support and alleviate knee pain that may have been caused by injury, tendonitis, or arthritis. Breathable neoprene allows for the brace to stay cool without becoming hot or uncomfortable. The extra-strength fastening material allows for customizable support and compression and the open patella design keeps the brace from slipping down while increasing knee stability.


Ankle Support:

The Vive Health Universal Ankle Brace is designed to alleviate pain and discomfort located in the ankle. The same breathable neoprene and extra-strength fastening material gives you custom fit and support to meet your needs. Adjustable straps wrap around your ankle to secure the brace in place. The ankle brace provides support to injured muscles and helps to protect against re-injury.


To conclude, moms, in this day and age, are very busy. The generation of being a full-time, stay-at-home mom is far in the past. Many families rely on the added income from mom’s job, or for single moms, it’s the only income relied upon. By incorporating the above methods and medical products into your daily routine, you can continue to actively attend to your most important obligations.


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  1. I need to get a knee brace for myself because ever since it has gotten cooler outside my left knee aches. I need to get a brace to help me when I exercise!

  2. I have first hand experience of how greatly these products can alleviate pain and increase mobility..I tore my miniscus in my knee and the the extent that I could hardly walk. After seeing a pysiotherapist who immediately recommended a knee brace, which I wore for almost three months, I did not even require surgery, and regained full mobility

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