September 28

When it rains it pours


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   My house insurance company is coming by for an inspection. The last time they came they said we needed a new roof. That was after the hurricanes of 2004 (when my oldest was born). We had patched it up and a roofer we know had to write up a letter stating it would last a few more years. Well it has been a few years… My husband has been working on  our roof patching what needs to be patched. Our fingers are crossed that we will not need a new roof because we are in need of a new air conditioner too. 🙁 I'm scared it will be a new roof or being cancelled.

I don ‘t even like our insurance company because our rate kept going up while our value of the home kept going down. Does that make sense to you? It didn't to me so I called and they told me we get more coverage every year.  So we're paying for much more house then we even owe. I'm thinking it's time to look for a new house insurance company. I know that if we switch all of our insurances to the same company we will get a discount. I'm not sure why we haven't done it yet. 🙁




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  1. Know what you mean..been there done it..and it hasn’t changes for over 40 years, other than it got worse..
    Have you tried investigating if your city or state has a program where there are options for homeowners to do improvments on their homes. It is a no pay back program. I know the state of New York has it or did last year..worth seeking of luck to you..

  2. Yeah, the whole insurance thing can be quite the nightmare. We were always stuck trying to figure out whether we needed flood insurance, sinkhole coverage, random acts of nature protection (if that’s even an option…LOL). I get so confused with the whole insurance thing that my husband usually takes care of it, but yes, it definitely sounds like it’s time to find a new insurance company!

    Best of luck!

    Smiles, Jenn
    Jenn recently posted..It is Well with my SoulMy Profile

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