June 8

The It Works! Wrap Giveaway


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The It Works! Wrap Giveaway

Hosted by Crazy Wrap Bleuer



The wraps have an all-natural, plant-based lotion on them that absorbs into the fatty tissue layer and jump-starts a toxin release process. By drinking a lot of water, the toxins are flushed out, and the fatty tissue cells shrink, thereby shrinking your fatty tissue layer itself. You will notice that your skin is tightened, toned and firmed! You leave the site specific wrap on for a minimum of 45 minutes. Most people see immediate results although the best and final result comes at 72 hours!! You can keep wrapping every 72 hours. Below you will see the results that I had after two wraps.banner



A box of four wraps retails for $99. However, very few people choose to pay retail for our products! You can get a box of four wraps (a treatment) for only $59 plus tax/shipping through what the company calls the “Loyal Customer” program – you agree to buy one product a month for three months (This would be Month 1), and after that you never have to buy anything again. However, if you did want to come back and purchase something in the future, you would always be at the Loyal Customer price. The company waives the $50 membership fee when you agree to the three months.



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