November 18

You Can Feel Happy and Anxiety Free #fivehtp


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This post is brought to you by Chronospharma, all opinions are my own,liveyouwant

I choose all natural for everything I rarely take medicine. I use herbs and oils so when I read the ingredients of 5-HTP I definitely wanted to try it. This time of year I start to get run down. My blog is busy, the kids have soooo many activities to attend, and the holidays are right around the corner!

How does 5-HTP help? It is a substance extracted from the Griffonia Simplicfolia plant, 5HTP is a NATURAL substance that increases the production of Seratonin. Serotonin plays a great role in our bodies when it comes to our sleep pattern, pain sensitivity and appetite. When Serotonin is released, we have the sensation of wellbeing, serenity and fulfillment. In addition, serotonin controls our anxiety and suppresses our appetite but making us feel serene and satisfied.

Read all about their products


Take two pills right before you go to bed because they make you drowsy. I've been doing it for a few days and I wake up feeling refreshed and I haven't been moody. I seem very even emotionally. I usually get cranky depending on the moon cycle but this has helped.

This is how Chronos Pharma`s 5-HTP will help you:

–        Help you make you feel happy and fulfilled again
–        Help you feel less anxious and depression prone
–        Help you sleep better and more restfully
–        Get rid of your emotional eating
–        Get rid of unpleasant headaches

I'm also working out and eating healthy. I'm not craving sweets like I was and that is helping me immensely toward my weight loss goal. Especially this time of year when I'm making all sorts of goodies. I can take one bite and that is it and this is HUGE because I suffer from a sweet tooth.


Will I continue to take these? Yep, I am and I'm going to have a few family members try them too.

Get them HERE on Amazon and you can use this code for 30% off! 7PE64YHX

Win a bottle. Must be US resident 18 + Ends 12/02/15 @ 11:59 PM EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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