September 21

Another way to save money


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If you've been a follower for awhile you know that I'm always looking for new ways to save money. There are so many ways in which you can cut back and I thought this one was different.

I was watching Zenni Optical on CNN and saw how much money I could save. They have $6.95 prescription eyeglasses. That is super cheap! I have spent several hundred for mine.

Zenni Optical is the #1 online eyeglasses store offering high quality complete prescription eyeglasses from $6.95. Clark Howard, HLN money expert, has written a new book about how to save money in a tough economy titled “Clark Howard's Living Large in Lean Times.” In which, he raved about Zenni Optical as well as other ways to save money. What’s more, he strongly recommended Zenni Optical on CNN’s American Morning show.

Now I need to get to the eye Dr. and update my prescription because I'm in desperate need of a new pair of eye glasses. I'm really glad I found out about this site, it is going to save my family A LOT of money!


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