February 21

Do you and your spouse fight about cleaning?


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logohandThe results of an interesting survey were recently released that dealt not only with searching for a maid, but the cleanliness of our homes and how stressful cleaning a home can be. For example, while couples once fought mostly about money, the survey revealed that 37% of couples now fight at least once a month about cleaning their home. What was more interesting is that 82% thought that finding a maid to clean their home would take longer than an hour. The truth is those homeowners are wrong. Thanks to the company Handybook, customers can now find and hire a maid or handyman in less than 90 seconds.

But what about quality of service? The same survey found that 92% of people who had hired a maid service in the past experienced the maid being at least 10 minutes last. Another 42% experienced tardiness of over an hour. It's simply unacceptable and leads many people to forgo searching for someone to clean their home. Handybook guarantees that the maid or handyman you hire through their website or mobile app will show up on time.

Whether you fall into the 57% that hates cleaning their bathroom or need a wall to wall cleaning of your home, you can find reliable people who will get the job done and show up on time with Handybook home cleaning. Best of all, it takes less than 90 seconds.

Brought to you by Handybook



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