February 19

How to Make Your Own Sushi – Great Basic Sushi Recipe


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The most basic sushi recipe is not only easy but it is also fun and quick to make. It consists of raw fish like tuna or salmon, sushi rice, seaweed and wasabi. Even though many restaurants pride themselves on making the best sushi or having the best sushi chefs, it should not deter you from making sushi at home. In making your own sushi, you will save money, have fun and add another craft to your list of accomplishments.

Things you will need for sushi:

2 cups of white sushi rice


¼ lb. raw blue fin tuna, salmon or any saltwater fish


Soy Sauce

Seaweed (optional)

Pickled Ginger (optional)

Things you need for sushi rice:

½ cup white rice vinegar

¼ cup of sugar

2 teaspoons of salt

Konbu Seaweed (as much as desired)

2 large boiling pots



Measuring cup

Sushi Preparation instructions:

Begin with preparing the sushi rice. Take the two cups of rice and pour it into a strainer. Run water over the rice and rinse thoroughly. After rinsing the rice, take the rice and place it into one large boiling pot. Fill the pot with the strained rice and water. The water should completely cover the rice. Soak the rice for at least 20 minutes. After 20 minutes elapses, drain the water from the pot. Place the rice back into the strainer. Rinse the pot. Run cold water over the strainer again to rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear. Next, place the rice back into the same boiling pot. Take 2 ¼ cups of cold water and put the water into the pot with the rice. Heat the water and rice to a boil. Once boiling begins, reduce heat to simmer and cover the pot for 20 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, take the ½ cup of white rice vinegar, ¼ cup of sugar, and two teaspoons of salt and place into a separate boiling pot. Let the sugar and salt dissolve in the white rice vinegar first. Place the seaweed into the pot. Heat the components on medium heat for at least two minutes or until seaweed is tender. After the components are ready, remove from heat and set aside.

After the rice has cooked for 20 minutes, there should be little to no water in the pot with the rice. Remove from heat and let cool for 20 minutes. Once cooled, remove the rice from the boiling pot and place inside a large bowl. Remove the seaweed from the sugar, sale and vinegar mixture and set aside. Take the sugar, salt, and vinegar mixture and pour over the rice. Thoroughly mix all the components together thoroughly with a large spoon. Now you can begin to assemble the sushi.

Now that the rice is ready, you can begin on cutting the fish. Most traditional sushi recipes call for saltwater fish like salmon or tuna. Whole, raw blue fin tuna is best suited for this recipe. Take the tuna and slice thin slices. The slices should be no larger than two inches long and ¼ of an inch in thickness. Slice all the tuna you need and put the remaining tuna in a freezer.

Take the wasabi and place a small amount into the center of the tuna slice. You can also add a small strip of seaweed on top of the wasabi. However, this is optional.

Next, take one small spoonful of sushi rice and fill the tuna with the rice. Shape the rice and tuna so that the rice does not fall apart. Don't be afraid to press the rice into the tuna. You can also wrap the tuna slice around the rice if you'd like.

Prepare all the tuna with rice, wasabi and seaweed until you are finished with every piece of tuna. Garnish with soy sauce or pickled ginger to your liking. You may also eat the remaining rice as a side dish. Enjoy.

Important sushi health considerations:

Remember, always keep your fish frozen or on ice while not in use. Fish that remains in room temperature or humid conditions is more susceptible to parasites, bacteria and viruses. Also, sushi should be consumed in moderation. Due to its high mercury content, it is not ideal to eat sushi daily. Consume in moderation for the best health benefits.

Lewis Avalon is a sushi aficionado living in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lewis writes regularly about all things sushi related including career advice, recipes, and restaurant news. Check out Lewis' favorite Las Vegas sushi bar and watch for upcoming articles.


homemade, sushi

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