February 20

5 Steps to Get Rid of Brain Fog


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5 Steps to Get Rid of Brain Fog5 Steps to Get Rid of Brain Fog

So you want to Get Rid of Brain Fog?

To make sure we are on the same page, brain fog can be described as either temporary or chronic impairment of one's mental capabilities. Often we perceive a sharp drop in our cognitive capabilities. A feeling of confusion and lack of mental clarity accompany this. Another symptom usually related to this condition is the inability to concentrate. Also, sensations of fuzziness, forgetfulness and a feeling of detachment may appear. If you feel like you are not as sharp as you used to be, this article will help you determine the causes and find out a solution to get rid of brain fog.

What causes brain fog?

Before we can discuss how to get rid of brain fog, lets investigate the potential causes. There are many factors that may lead, alone or in combination, to the onset of brain fog. Some of them are:

• Sleep deprivation
• Sleep apnea
• Chronic fatigue
• Fibromyalgia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Obsessive compulsive disorders
• Dementia
• Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar disorder
• Alcoholism and drug addiction
• Certain medications
• Dehydration
• Menopause
• Seasonal allergies
• Low blood sugar
• Vitamin deficiency

If you are suffering from any of these conditions, or think you may be, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

How to Get Rid of Brain Fog

Fortunately, there is a series of easy steps that will certainly improve your overall health, and reduce the feeling of mental fogginess. Below are five suggestions that will helpfully allow you to stay sharp all day long and aid you in your quest to get rid of brain fog:

1. Sleep

Sleep deprivation, if severe enough, will certainly lead to brain fog. Even minor alterations to your sleeping patterns may impair your ability to focus. You may find it difficult to concentrate, and you may be not as sharp as you can be. Fortunately, the opposite is also equally true. Regaining control over your sleeping habits (by making sure you sleep enough hours per day without interruption) will certainly improve your cognitive capabilities. The reason why is simple enough: mental, emotional and physical recovery occurs mainly during sleep. Both your brain function and immune system are affected when the natural recovery processes that occur at night are altered or suppressed. For instance, take into account, that experiments with lab animals have shown that sleep deprivation can even cause death. Quality sleep is not a luxury, but a biological need that should be on top of your priorities. Recent studies have demonstrated that memories and procedural learning are consolidated during the REM phase of sleep. If you are experiencing a hard time recalling words or facts, or failing perform certain tasks with enough speed and accuracy, you will definitely benefit from longer periods in the arms of Morpheus.
Sleep… an important first step to get rid of brain fog!

2. Relax

Along with sleeping, you must try your best to keep worries at bay. Chronic stress is a major factor in almost all autoimmune conditions, due to constant release of the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol. By taking control over your state of mind, you will limit the negative emotions that translate into physical illness and foggy consciousness. Otherwise, you will be in higher risk of suffering depression, anxiety, insomnia and other conditions, that will in turn cause more problems and worsen your brain fog. Among other things, you may try breathing exercises that are incorporated into activities such as Yoga and meditation. Correct breathing habits enable better blood circulation, boosting your levels of energy and the performance of your muscles. Healthy breathing also helps to mobilize your cerebrospinal fluid. This will aid in the removal of waste products from the central nervous system. In addition, this will help provide more oxygen to your cells, enhancing their metabolic function. By learning how to relax, you will be taking better care of yourself. In turn, you may get rid of brain fog and will certainly reap many other health benefits.

3. Eat Well

The quality, quantity and frequency in which we feed ourselves will determine how we feel and think. We are, quite literally, what we eat. Nutrition affects all the systems in your body, but specially the brain. Bad eating habits put you at an increased risk of high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, etc. Eating a nutrient-dense diet will help you to keep your energy levels up all day long, and ensure you maintain your vitality as high as possible. You may also want to lower the glycemic index of your food choices. You can achieve this by focusing on whole fresh foods, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and include enough sources of fiber to keep a healthy gut. A health diet will certainly play a key role in helping you get rid of brain fog.

4. Exercise

Exercise is necessary to stay fit and healthy. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), such as sprinting, is especially advisable as a brain fog treatment. It helps the body release more lactate, which in turn reduces the risk of hypoglycemia. Another excellent exercise is weightlifting. By nature, the breathing and techniques associated with weightlifting are very cathartic. Yoga, as said, is also a good option, not only to improve your breathing habits but also your body posture, which also has a big impact in your overall health and mental capabilities.

5. Get out in the sunshine!

Adequate exposure to natural sun-rays contributes positively to your overall health. A shot of sunshine will help promote healthy bones and teeth, sound sleeping patterns, and promotes the production of vitamin D. About fifteen to forty minutes per day should be more than enough. No sunburns now!

All the steps to get rid of brain fog listed above will significantly improve your overall health, and definitely help you recover your peak mental capabilities. Remember, sleep, relax, eat well, exercise (be active!) and find some time to sunbath and enjoy the outdoors. Enjoy, de-stress, and your mental fogginess will gradually disappear.

My name is Clancy Davies and I am the creator and author of the website, “Alleviate the Anxiety”. I have specialized in the field of education and personal growth for nearly 30 years and enjoy helping people solve their personal issues and reach their maximum potential.

While visiting ‘Alleviate the Anxiety' you will find many interesting articles on a variety of topics including; anxiety, panic disorder, shyness, stress, fears and more. You will discover many tips, remedies and solutions to help you on your path to better health.

Please visit my website at: http://www.alleviatetheanxiety.com/ I wish you all the best on your self-improvement journey!



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  1. Ginkgo Biloba! That’s all I can think about at this moment. It is a nootropic that my wife uses to clear brain fog. She suffers from fibromyalgia, and the simple medication manages to keep her cognitive abilities sharp at all times.

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