August 24

Animology – Animal Analogies {Children’s Book Review}


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Compare and contrast different animals through predictable, rhyming analogies. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals . . . bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animals classes and are so fun, readers learn without even realizing it! Animals are to nature, as Animalogy is to fun!
Written by Marianne Berkes
Illustrated by Cathy Morrison
32 pg, 10 x 8.5, ages 4-8
Hardcover ISBN: 9781607181279, $16.95
Paperback ISBN: 9781607181378, $8.95

Author/Illustrator Info:

Award-winning author, Marianne Berkes (pronounced Ber-kess with two syllables) is a retired teacher and librarian who turned her love of science and teaching into writing. Some of her recent and award-winning titles include: Going Home, The Mystery of Animal Migration; Over in the Ocean, in a Coral Reef; Over in the Jungle, a Rainforest Rhyme; and Going Around the Sun, Some Planetary Fun. Remembering her days in the classroom, Marianne introduces animal analogies through Animalogy. Marianne lives in Florida with her husband, Roger and their dog, Corky.

Cathy Morrison has been a freelance illustrator for over twenty years. Though she began her career in graphic design, she discovered her passion for children’s book illustration while raising her two children. She has won several awards for her picture books, including the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award, and ForeWord Magazine’s “Book of the Year”. Cathy spends her days working from her studio overlooking the Mummy Range, on the northern side of the Rocky Mountain National Forest. Check out Cathy’s website at or read her blog at

My girls are 5 & 7 and both loved this book. The illustrations held their attention they loved learning to analogies to tell their daddy when he got home. Most of you already know I homeschool them and I was THRILLED when I saw the back of the book. It has an entire section for Creative Minds.

The girls learned Animal Classification,analogies, and the girls had to look up answers to questions in the back of the book. This is the kind of learning we love, it's FUN! They remembered everything because they really enjoyed their school lesson. I highly recommend Sylvan Dell Publishing books and you can even download the ebook version for your computer.

Disclaimer – We received this book to review for our honest opinion, no other compensation was received.


children books, homeschooling, learning

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