December 5

Cash 4 Christmas – $100 Paypal Cash


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Welcome to the Cash 4 Christmas blogger giveaway. Terri's Little Haven, Ashley: And The Little Ones Too, Taking Time for Mommy, Cute Like Me, and Giveaway Bandit, have teamed up in an effort to bring our readers a Cash 4 Christmas giveaway. It's our little way of saying thank you for everything you do.

This giveaway is open to US and CA and we've made it simple to enter. You can stop back in daily to tweet to earn more entries. Cash 4 Christmas will run from December 5 to December 20.

You will need to have a PayPal account to receive the money if you are the winner. If you don't have one it's free and easy to set up. Good luck and thank you for all of your visits and encouragement 2011.


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  1. the last one , ‘Terri’s Little Haven’ on Google+ the link dosent work, just thought i should let you know THANKS for the chance

  2. thank you for doing such a wonderful giveaway you have no idea what this means to my family and many others struggling this year ! you are a blessing !!

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