December 5

Designing the perfect playroom


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Designing the perfect playroom

Every child has a deep need to use his or her imagination, and what better place to do just that than a dedicated playroom? While many parents may worry that creating the playroom will cost a fortune, be assured it doesn’t have to. There are plenty of ways to make the playroom a magical place for the kids while saving the rest of the house from an overload of toys and games. Here are some ideas for designing the perfect playroom that will not only be functional and an attractive environment, but also fun for the children to use.

The floors

Because the playroom will be a high-traffic area, the choice of flooring is critical. Most
importantly, the playroom’s flooring should be easy to clean, low maintenance, and functional. What parent wants a high-pile carpet that can easily stain from finger-paints and spilled drinks? Hardwood flooring is a good idea, but there are some excellent stain-resistant carpet flooring
options at to consider.

The theme

While fun and entertainment for the younger family members is the general theme for the playroom, a more specific theme might be a nice touch. A tropical setting might be a good solution or an old-fashioned shop. Kids will love it.

The walls

A child’s playroom should be bright and engaging. Bright colors on the walls are a great way to define the space as a playroom and enhance the mood of anyone inside. However, add an extra edge by covering one wall with blackboard paint and let the kids get creative on a daily
basis! Kids also love to display their artwork, so a cork board along another wall is an excellent exhibition area. Don’t forget to include fun posters of the kids’ favorite characters and murals to complement the theme.

Storage solutions

Often, storage in a child’s playroom can be a challenge, not only because it may be hard to get the kids to pick up toys after they’ve finished playing, but because of the size of most of their toys and games. A good, cost-effective way is to buy a large storage cabinet similar to those used in classrooms. Adjustable shelves and spaces for cubbyholes make storage simple. Use color-coordinated bins to make putting toys away a fun process.

Dealing with limited space

Realistically, not every parent has the extra space in the house to make a dedicated playroom. Therefore, even if a playroom has to double as a guest bedroom from time to time, it is important to deal with what limited space there is. Consider investing in a folding bed that can close up
against the wall but can easily be pulled out for guests. (This is also a winner for sleepover parties!) And remember, kids need to move around, so keep the furniture in the playroom to a minimum. A play table and chairs should be sufficient and a toy box near the window can double
as a bench.


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