February 16

Easy and healthy parfait with Liberté® Méditerranée #Giveaway #YogurtPerfection


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The information, products and Publix gift cards were provided by General Mills through Linqia.
CaramelYogurtParfait Caramel and yogurt are two of my favorite things although until today I'd never had them together.

Before I get to my recipe I want to tell you how amazing the new New Méditerranée Caramel yogurt is. The New Méditerranée Cappuccino is delicious as well (I had it for breakfast.)

I'd never tried this brand of yogurts before and they are now my favorite! There are a few recipes I want to try and I'll link them in here when I do. I <3 cooking with yogurt and using it for snacks.

About Liberté Méditerranée

Surprisingly luscious whole milk yogurt in nine captivating flavors. The attention we pay when crafting our sumptuous yogurt is apparent in each spoonful. It begins with our choice of ingredients. The whole milk and cream we select create an indulgently silky texture. The live, active cultures add a layer of deep flavor that is punctuated with bold, real fruit. And as you should expect, we refrain from adding gelatin, sugar substitutes or preservatives.

Visit http://readyplansave.com to clip and print your coupons. Available while supplies last. 

Save 20¢ off ONE Liberté® yogurt

If you are looking for a very quick hearty snack you should try my Easy & Healthy Yogurt Parfait

What you you need

2 cups of Liberté Méditerranée Caramel
1/2 cup of mixed fruit
1/2 cup of chia seeds
1/2 cup of oatmeal

All you have to do is layer them and you have a snack. This one sticks with you a while.


I'm giving a Taking Time for Mommy reader a $15 Paypal so you can guy your own Liberté Méditerranée Yogurts!

Remember to download yourLiberté Méditerranée Publix coupons! Fill out the form below to enter. Open to US residents 18+
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I haven’t tried any of the flavors yet but I’m sure I’d love the Caramel flavor.
    It would be so great added to my oatmeal smoothie.
    thank you

  2. I’ve never tried it before, but I’d like to try the Liberte Yogurt’s Méditerranée Blueberry

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