December 17

Easy #Holiday #Recipe – New York Style Bagel Crisps Holiday Entertaining @NewYorkSnacks


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Brought to you by New York Style Bagel Crisps, all opinions are my own.

Are you looking for fast and easy appetizer options to take to holiday parties? And healthy too? Yes you read that right!

I'm always on the look out. This time of year I'm always so busy and I'm usually rushing around so the easier the better. I hate to buy something pre-made to take. It just screams desperate.

Appetizers are always a good idea for book club or to take to a party. New York Style Bagel Crisps make that easy to do. They are simple and gourmet.

I was so excited when I found this Tomato and Pesto Panetini Recipe to share with you. The flavors were blended deliciously and I already had everything on hand!

It literally takes 5 minutes to make!

Prep Time: 5 Min
Serves: 5


sliced tomato
prepared pesto
shaved Parmesan cheese

New york panetini (3 cheese or garlic parmesan)


1. Arrange tomato slices on Panetini.
2. Top with pesto and Parmesan cheese.


Another easy and gourmet recipe is the Cran-Panetini



 Prep Time: 15 Min
Serves: 10-12


Brie cheese
Fresh cranberries
1 cup Sugar
1 cup Water


Bring 1 cup of water and sugar to a boil in a medium-sized saucepan. Add the cranberries and return to a boil. Boil gently for 10 minutes, until cranberries pop. Assemble each Cran-Panetini by placing 1 slice of brie and 1 to 2 pieces of arugula on top of Panetini® crisp. Top with cranberries and enjoy.

You can find even more delicious and easy recipes over at the New York Style website 
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