November 27

Easy to Make Reindeer Candy Cane Holder Craft


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Reindeer Candy Cane Holder

Easy to Make Reindeer Candy Cane Holder Craft

Are you looking for something to help keep the kids' minds off of Santa for a bit or to give them a fun activity during this holiday season? This Reindeer Candy Cane Holder is super cute and incredibly easy so even toddlers can do it (if you cut it.) Every Christmas eve we make cookies and have a craft. This year we are making these. They are fun to give to neighbors with their Christmas cards too.
What you need 
Brown, red, and pink craft foam
Hot glue or craft foam glue works best
Googly eyes
Candy canesimg_3512

1. Cut two pieces of brown foam about 2×3″ in size, but cut out one of them with small ears towards the topimg_3513
2. Cut out a nickle sized circle from your red foam and 2 tiny pink ears to fit inside your brown earsimg_3514
3. Glue your ears, eyes, and nose onto the front of the brown rectangle with ears and let dryimg_3515
4. Then glue two vertical lines on the sides of your other piece of brown foam and press the back of your face onto the glued piece and let dryimg_3511
5. Once your reindeer is dry, stock two candy canes inside the sleeve and face the hooks of the candy cane outwards

Isn't this Reindeer Candy Cane Holder adorable? You can make Christmas trees or ornaments too!
Are you making any fun crafts this holiday season? Let me know below!


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