September 26

Freebie Alert – Halloween Craft book


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Here's a sneak peek of what's inside this free craft eBook:

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No-Sew Spooky Halloween Bunting No-Sew Spooky Halloween Bunting  pg. 7  — If you're looking for Halloween decorations to make for your upcoming party, this fun bunting should be number one on your list!  The burlap accents and spider embellishments are what make this banner really stand out from other homemade Halloween decorations!


Halloween Paper CenterpieceHalloween Paper Centerpiece pg. 5  — Any good host knows that Halloween decorations can take a party to the next level.  This tutorial shows you how to create your own homemade Halloween table decorations using festive scrapbook paper.


Faux Bloody VotivesFaux Bloody Votives pg. 20  — Ready to creep out your party guests?  These scary homemade Halloween props are an easy way to add a little spook to your decor!



Monster Decorations from Juice BoxesMonster Decorations from Juice Boxes pg. 15  —  Kids love monsters, so these creatures are the perfect Halloween decorations to make with your little ones.  Plus these are some of the thriftiest homemade Halloween decorations because they're made from recycled boxes!


Spiderweb Silhouette LanternSpiderweb Silhouette Lantern pg. 19  —  If you're looking for Halloween decorations to make your house look spooktacular, these lanterns are a great project!  Greet trick or treaters with these creepy, crawly homemade Halloween props displayed in your window!


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