July 17



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The first ever GUND “Top Dog” Contest will commence this Monday, July 16, 2012 with a grand prize of “the Boo treatment” – a limited edition GUND plush in the winning pup’s likeness!

Inspired by the wildly-popular “World's Cutest Dog” Boo stuffed dog from GUND, the “Top Dog” Contest invites pup parents from around the country to submit photos of their own four-footed friends on the GUND Facebook page in one or all of the following four categories:

·        Most Beautiful Dog

·        Ugliest Dog

·        “Doganista”/Best Dressed Dog

·        Dog that Most Resembles its Owner

The Grand Prize will have tails wagging; GUND will create a limited edition model of the winner’s dog. The dog will be available in gift and toy stores in 2013. That’s right! Your pup could become a GUND plush just like Boo!

The contest will run July 16 – August 15, 2012; winners will be chosen the week of August 20th and announced the week of August 27th.

Simultaneously with the Top Dog” Contest on Facebook, GUND will run the “Most Pinteresting Dog” Contest on Pinterest. Consumers will be asked to post their entry on their own pages, “tag” @GUNDMostPinterestingDog and submit the link to GUND at MostPinterestingDog@GUND.com.

The “Most Pinteresting Dog” Contest winner will be selected based on the number of times the entry is “liked” on the GUND Pinterest board and the winner will receive a selection of GUND products valued at $250 retail.
For complete rules, see Top Dog” Contest and Most Pinteresting Dog” Contest rules at www.GUND.com.


Entries are from: July 16 – August 5

Voting is from: August 6 – August 15


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