November 26

Holiday Gift Guide – You’ve Been Selected Game

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We've enjoyed these games for quite awhile. They are perfect gifts for the entire family. We love game night and the kids learn so much from these games AND have fun. That's the best kind of learning!! They are perfect for those rainy days when the kids say they are bored or for fun family game night.

This sentence-building game uses unique five-sided cards with multiple conjugations of a base word. With a hand of 10 cards, players try to score the most points per round by constructing the longest, grammatically correct, and sensible sentence. Any player can object to another players sentence, on either grammatical grounds, or the fact that the sentence just doesn't make sense. The defending player and the objecting player get to argue their points to the rest of the players, who form a jury. Half the fun is trying to defend, explain, and justify a completely ridiculous sentence to the other players. First player to reach 200 points wins. McNeill Designs has  5 add on decks  too! $25

The Reader's Digest National Word Power Challenge-This officially licensed deck is taken from the Word Power page of Reader’s Digest and the magazine’s national student vocabulary tournament the Reader’s Digest Word Power Challenge.

Pop Culture-Do you know Lindsay from Jen? What’s an IM? And how do you crump? If you don’t know, you may just learn something from your students!

Gourmet Cuisine-A budding Rachael Ray or Emeril Lasgasse will appreciate this deck, which is filled to overflowing with famous chefs, exotic spices, and all of the kitchen gizmos necessary to cook up some fun!

Sports highlights -Ready, set, hike! This deck contains the lingo of the field, court, and diamond, legendary sports heroes, technical terms, and favorite teams.

Sci-Fi (my personal favorite)-Warn your student to set their phasers for stun and prepare for a warp speed ride through the most memorable of the ever popular sci-fi/fantasy genre!

The second game was Twisted Fish. This was my 7 yr old's favorite! She loved the colors and funky fish designs. Twisted Fish is a fishy game of outrageous fun! It's Go Fish, with a twist! Players compete to gather the most points possible by collecting as many ‘Full Baskets' as they can. A Full Basket is complete set of the same ‘Twisted Fish'. The twist comes in the form of 8 special ‘Zinger' cards which allow the players to flout the rules, steal cards from other players, prevent other players from fishing, or go again out of order! $10

This was my favorite! The wheel of Chore-ture! I have this on my fridge and I tell the girls to
spin it to see what chore they need to do.


They spin, go do their chore then run back so they can spin again. Who knew it could be so simple? $3



Disclaimer – We received a product for our honest opinion, no other compensation was received


Buy It: Visit McNeill Designs to purchase these fun games!


family fun, games, toys

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