November 15

Jacob T. Marley Book Review


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618-00465675“Marley was dead, to begin with . . .” These chillingly familiar words begin the beloved classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Now R. William Bennett rewinds the story and focuses the spotlight on Scrooge’s miserly business partner, Jacob Marley, who was allowed to return as a ghost to warn Scrooge away from his ill-fated path. Why was Marley allowed to return? And why hadn’t he been given the same chance as Ebenezer Scrooge?

Or had he?

When I watched A Christmas Carol on t.v. as a child and later read the book I always wondered about Jacob T. Marley. Why didn't he get a second chance? He had to spend an eternity in the chains and frankly, I didn't think that was fair.

I knew there was more to the story and now I know it. This was one of those books that you aren't going to put down. Luckily it isn't very long but it sticks with you. You really get to know why he became the person he was and my he wanted to help Ebenezer.

Jacob T. Marley is a touching story that is sure to be a “new” Christmas classic and I have plans to add it to our family Christmas reads every year and you should too.

I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.




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