February 9

Junior Explorers Educational Program for Kids Review @juniorexplorers #JuniorExplorers


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I received a Junior Explorers sample kit for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.
 I have 8 yr old and 10 yr old girls. The 10 yr old is the easiest student in the world. She loves her work books and starts her lessons on her own. Then she explores more on her own. My 8 yr old…. not so much. She wants to play…. all of the time. When I saw Junior Explorers I knew it would be perfect for her. She can play, explore, and learn. She was even reading *she HATES reading* All on her own!! There was no grumbling at all.

I asked her what her favorite part was and it was the cool stickers and little animals. She was so very excited that the same animals and what was on the stickers was also on the computer. Junior Explorers is a first-of-its-kind program for kids that combines offline and online learning to teach them about our planet! I love that we can incorporate it into our homeschool education.100_0155

Junior Explorers was a HUGE hit! My 10 yr old liked it as well and they even did it together – without arguing!

What is Junior Explorers all about? Kids + Animals + Learning + Fun!

How does it work? Kids complete ‘missions’ to explore different ecosystems and animals every month! Each mission includes both offline and online components.

1. Delivered home: Each month, Junior Explorers receive a kit in the mail. This kit is filled with activities, games, cool collectibles and a secret code. This code is used to unlock the monthly online component.

2_Mission_Kit_969x7282. Learning online: Once kids log on and unlock their mission, they join Junior Explorers Kia and Kyle in solving a mystery about our planet. Through gamified learning, they follow an engaging narrative and complete games, while earns points and discover new concepts along the way!

3. Giving back: As kids play games online, they earn points that are turned into real donations to nonprofits such as the WWF and the Nature Conservancy. Kids are given a true experience in giving back to the animals and ecosystems they have just learned about!

Connect with Junior Explorers

Twitter – https://twitter.com/juniorexplorers?lang=en2_JRXProduct

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/juniorexplorersclub

Instagram –http://instagram.com/juniorexplorersclub

Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/jrexplorers/

Website – www.juniorexplorers.com

I received a Junior Explorers sample kit for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.


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