July 21

Max Indulge is a Delicious Coffee Treat #MAXatWM


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If you've been a follower for awhile you know how much I love…even need my coffee. Of course I have to have my coffee in the morning but I also enjoy a special coffee treat in the afternoon to give me the boost I need for the rest of the day.

A few months ago, someone at my gym suggested I drink caffeine* (1.25X More Caffeine* – *This product contains an average of 142mg caffeine per serving compared to an average of 112mg caffeine of Arabica coffee) before working out to give me an extra boost since I was so tired. I started drinking it right before I took my kickboxing or boot camp classes! It was a win/win for me because I use any excuse to swing through a cafe drive thru and get a coffee.  Now I can have my coffee treat before working out…. heck yeah!

Then I discovered Max Indulge. It is fast (all I do is scoop out a couple of spoon fulls and pour in water!) It is yummy and I'm saving a ton of money by not going through drive thrus!


My favorite is the MAX Indulge Mocha + Salted Caramel Retail Price $3.98 (12 oz Canister). That is SUPER CHEAP and it is oh, so yummy! I found it in the coffee isle at Wal-mart (always low prices) past the k-cups. Max Indulge also has Mocha + S’mores flavor which I'm going to try next time. These would also make some really good iced coffee or ice pops too!

There is also MAX Boost, if you are looking for more caffeine*, that is available at Walmart in the coffee aisle in the K-Cup Pod format in two different caffeine* levels: 1.25x & 1.75x.

Look for MAX Boost and Indulge at your local Walmart in the coffee aisle!

Check out Max boost and Max Indulge HERE



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