October 22

My Job Chart – Teaching Children Responsibility


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   My Job Chartis the free, easy to use, online chore chart and reward system for teaching, organizing and motivating your kids to Save, Share and Spend responsibly.

As a homeschooling family it's important to us to make sure the children are getting a well balanced education and making sure they have a good work ethic.

My oldest is getting to an age where she is taking on more responsibility, I'm all about kids and responsibility! What they learn now will stay with them forever. I'd rather them learn it now then have a hard lesson as an adult.

My Job Chart facilitates fun, engaging, hands-on learning for kids on the ABCs of prosperity including saving, sharing and spending. I'm admit it, I'm a chart person. I use a job chart for everything,  make lists 3 miles long and live by them. I really wasn't sure how it would work for my children but I realized my kids online gave them a thrill. They are only allowed online for educational research but I gave them the okay for this. My oldest loves to get online and check off everything she has accomplished. she gets exited! I have to say it's a GREAT MOTIVATOR!!

I was impressed but not surprised that SUZE ORMAN — International Financial Guru adds My Job Chart as “revolutionary family resource”.

Check out how it works..

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Currently there are 122,224 kids using MJC and hundreds of kids added each day! Sign up Now, it's FREE!!


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  1. Its not an easy job to teach young child because they have different moods and attitude. It must have patients to handle each of them. But, a lot of techniques to be calm about this kind of problem. It depends on your strategies.

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