September 22

The Praefortis by M.R. Ferguson Release day sale


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Praefortis - MichelleThe Praefortis by M.R. Ferguson

Zoe Masterson always felt like an outsider. She’s different from everyone else in her rural West Virginia town: destruction and mayhem follow her around like a rabid dog. After a mysterious fire leads to a death, Zoe ends up in what looks like a mental hospital—but is it? 

At Weston State Hospital, she discovers that the world as she knows it is an illusion. So much more exists beneath the surface of life: races of people, Guardians, Assassins. . .and the one person she is destined to love forever, all caught up in a battle for control of this hidden world that could cost her the people she loves most. 

Pre-order on Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Smashwords 

Add to your TBR list on Goodreads


About M.R. Fergusonmichelle

M. R. Ferguson has a passion for the paranormal that influences her writing and photography. Believing that anything can be possible gives her a sense of adventure, pushing her stories to a place her readers dare not venture on their own. “Dare to believe” is her motto, which stands to reason as she lives in a haunted house with her three dogs, cat and cockatoo. Wishing that fall would last all year, she plans for football season, Halloween and cooler temperatures as soon as June hits.



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