July 22

Taming the Wolf Book Tour Promo Blast and Contest


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Taming the Wolf

Attacked by a wolf while hiking in the mountains, Anna Avery's life just got a little hairier. Living in the Big Horn mountains in Wyoming, with a group of werewolves who are more animal than human, Anna must try to hold onto her human side.

It's not easy when the alpha continues to persuade her into his bed, while another wolf is chomping at the bit to become her mate. To top it all off, dead bodies are showing up and it just so happens that Anna was the last to see them alive. She'll have to work to prove her innocence and taming the wolf who bites first and asks questions never.

This book is not intended for readers under 18.
Purchase from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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  1. Sounds good, I do not see how to enter the giveaway, did I miss something? Also, it was impossible to watch the trailer here, I had to leave to youtube, as your site has commercials I can’t stop playing, so when I turn my sound up, i only hear them, then the trailer mix, not good. just letting you know. you may want to limit commercials with sound if your going to have book trailers on your site. I usually leave any site that has commercials with sound, drives me nuts, and wouldn’t be clicking them anyway., just my 2 cents.
    Well, I will check back to see if you ever get the giveaway going 🙂
    Michelle L. recently posted..Seeing Shadows by S.H. Kolee Book ReviewMy Profile

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