February 25

Tax Deductions For Those Who Run Small Hobby Home Businesses


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It is important for small business owners to save expenses whenever they can so they can collect more capital to grow their business. There can be many things that an individual can save their taxes on. In this article, we will list some tax deduction options that will help you save money.

Sales Tax

Generally, sales tax leaves you with two options. These options are deducting the sales tax or deducting the state income taxes off your federal income tax. Deduction of the income tax can be a great option for you if you are living in a state that doesn't have its own income tax. One tool that you can use to determine the best course of action for you is TurboTax. TurboTax helps you determine whether it is better to give fewer sales tax or less income tax. If you have purchased a big gift that paying the state tax can be the best option for you.

Car Mileage

You can save money based on your car mileage as the rates of different car mileage can vary. You need to know about the 2020 IRS mileage rate to be able to determine the amount of tax that you can save based on your car mileage. Saving taxes based on car mileage is a very good way to save money. You also would need to know how to calculate your taxes based on your car mileage. The whole thing can be a bit challenging but in the long run, it will save you money.

Self-Employment Tax

If you are running a small business from your home, you can save money by a self-employment tax deduction. For example, if you are running a butterfly craft for kids coaching center, you can save 7.65% employer portion off your income taxes but there is also a disadvantage. If you were employed by any organization, you would only pay a 6.2% social security tax and 1.45% Medicare tax only. If you are self-employed, you would have to pay 15.3% of your total income as half of it was supposed to be paid by your employer.

Retirement Savings

You can save a lot of money if you draw up a smart retirement plan. If you are self-employed, you can register for an SEP program which helps you save money for your retirement and also reduces the amount of taxes that you would need to pay. There is also a similar plan for small business owners. You can deduct tax for the retirement plans for your employees. You can also deduct the fees of the trustee if your contribution plans cannot cover them. There are various rules that you would need to be aware of while planning a retirement plan.

Health Insurance Deduction Plan

Health insurance can be easily one of the most expensive things that you would need to purchase for your business. It is fortunate that you can deduct the tax of health insurance by following some processes. For getting the tax deduction the insurance plan must be established and you must have a net profit for the year reported on Schedule C, Schedule C-EZ, or Schedule F. If you qualify for the tax deduction program, your tax would be deducted automatically.

Promotional Costs

There are promotional costs and also taxes involved with that to market your product to the people, but there is also some good news. You can deduct the tax for promotional costs. You can deduct the cost of TV ads, newspapers, and other printable items. You can also deduct the costs to do future ads for graphics, banners, and logos. You can save money by conducting seminars and campaigns to promote your events and you would not need to pay tax for those. With a little luck, you can also get sponsors for the events making your cost close to nothing.

Home Office Deductions

Home office tax deductions are a very good way to save money but it is often misunderstood by many people. To be able to get home office deductions, your office should meet some criteria. It is not enough that it is just a free space in your home. To be able to qualify for a home office tax deduction, the place in your home should be used by you for running your business.


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