September 6

The Big Bang Theory: Season 4 – Work it Baby!


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The guys on ‘The Big Bang Theory' have a very fun and playful work dynamic, often joking around with each other and playing games. Because they work at CalTech, most of their jokes revolve around astrophysics and Wolowitz's lack of a PhD!

As you know I'm pretty nerdy and since I work at home I'm surrounded by a 7 & 5 yr old I homeschool. While my conversations may not be about astrophysics my girls have my silly sense of humor. They are a little nerdy themselves. We went shopping the other day and bought my eldest dd some bday presents and she was more excited about the Globe I bought for the classroom. Who knows, maybe one day she'll have a PhD too?

Just like the guys on “The Big Bang Theory” I have fun at my job and I'm just as dorky 😉


The Big Bang Theory Sesaon 4 on DVD

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory Season 4 on DVD


t.v. w.b.

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