November 7

The Vengeful Thief (Stolen Hearts) Book Review


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Peter Slade never thought he'd be coming home. But after his family is put in danger because of his past misdeeds, he has to reconcile with the son he abandoned years ago .

But his son has been in good hands. Liv Morgan has never been the nurturing type, but when hard times forced her to move in with her best friend and her orphaned nephew, she found herself being the adoptive mother to a troublemaker with a heart of gold.

Liv has no idea what trouble really is. When Slade rolls back in town and is ready to reconcile with his son, Liv finds herself walking the thin line between the estranged father and son. And as she's more and more drawn to Slade, she realizes that if things go wrong, it will be more than just her heart breaking.

But Slade came back for a reason. His family is in danger. Liv might think that keeping him away will protect her heart, but he wants her body safe too and to do that, he's going to have to stay close. Liv is about to learn that revenge has never been this sexy…

Jackie's Review –

Such a great read.. This is my first read by Mallory and it was great! While this is book 5 in the series it can totally be read as a standalone.

Peter Slade has been away from his town and his family for 10 years but when his family is threatened he returns to town with vengeance. Little did he know part of his family is now the beautiful Liv who has been helping his sister raise his son for the last 10 years. When not only his family but Liv are put in danger, how far will Slade go to protect them?

Look forward to reading the other books in this series and then next one coming out in January.

I received a copy for my honest review, no other compensation was received.

Mallory Crowe is the award winning author of the Fractured Farrells series, the Bad Boys of the Underworld series and many other novels. She grew up surrounded by rescue dogs and escaping into romance books whenever possible. After trying to do the “adult” thing by getting an accounting degree and CPA license, she decided to try her hand at writing and never looked back.
An avid traveler, reader, and Netflix addict, Mallory currently lives in Michigan, with her neurotic but laid back dog.


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