January 10

7 Amazing New Ways to Earn Money without Leaving Home


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7 Amazing New Ways to Earn Money without Leaving Home

On an average, Google logs approximately 250 million searches each year on “How to make money online?” Whether you are a cash-strapped student, a stay at home parent or working adult, a little extra cash, less credit card debt and an increase in savings hurt no one.  Luckily for us, side money-making apps and ideas are on an all-time high, and working from the comfort of your home is now more accepted and rewarding.Listed below are some of the most profitable and easy, stay–at- home money making ways.

Taking Paid Surveys on the Internet

Paid Surveys might be the easiest way to earn money online. Many sites pay you to fill out survey forms about different products or services in your spare time. The rewards earned may be in the form of cash coupons, gift cards, and vouchers. You should register on multiple survey sites so you can be eligible for as many surveys as possible.

You are notified when a qualifying survey comes up. Use SurveyClarity to always choose survey sites which are genuine and do not demand registration fees when registering on the site. Although you might not be able to become rich from these surveys, you can easily make enough money to manage most monthly expenses from these paid surveys.

Start a Blog

Nurturing a seasoned and well-monetized blog is an uphill task. Making a blog, posting engaging content, maintaining and growing a loyal audience is difficult, and equally rewarding financially.  If you have good writing skills and can create engaging and error-free content, blogging might be for you.

Put forth your opinions about anything or share your knowledge. There are many opportunities – like a lifestyle blog, a fashion and makeup tutorials blog.Write about products, give book reviews and home décor ideas – be creative, and do what you do best.. If your blog is marketed well and accepted by the vast audience, you could pull in a handsome amount in revenue each month right from home.

Rent Your Living Space on Airbnb

Airbnb allows you to earn money from your home. If you have an extra room or going away for the week and want to make some cash, you can make money off your free space. All you have to do is create an Airbnb listing by filling out the description, upload photos and seta competitive price for your space. You also need to set the availability and rules for your listing. Once your listing is live, guests can book a stay at your place and you can start making money. The guests and the hosts both provide an honest review of each other for the record.

Become a Freelance Writer/Proofreader

Writing quality content for readers can be worth a lot of money.  If you have impeccable writing skills then you can seriously consider writing as your full-time job, as every part-time or freelancing writing gig can add several thousand to your monthly income. If you have a knack for spotting grammatical errors or typos, you can try part-time proof-reading. Several websites like Upwork, People per Hour, etc. provide freelance writing opportunities while minimizing payment errors.

Related —> 50+ Sites that Pay Moms to Write

Test Websites

You’ve probably commented about websites being user-friendly or confusing and difficult. Rather than commenting about it to your friends, you can remark about them to the owners of the website and make money for being a critic. You might also end up getting upward of $30 per hour for website testing, once you become a seasoned and dependable tester.

The process is tedious – it involves downloading some software and then when the task is available you go over the entire website. All your clicks, keystrokes, spoken comments are recorded as a video and you have to answer some questions about your experience of navigating the website. Once you get some experience, you can clearly state if the website gives a good experience to the users and what they might or might not want in it.

Investing In The Stock Market

Right investment in the stock market can earn you millions of dollars per year. Investing, if done with caution and proper market knowledge, can make you rich. You have to be aware of the ebbs and flows of the market to take advantage of this money-making opportunity.  Many sites provide stock market investment assistance. Investing in stock markets is an old way of making money, but the internet has made easier the flow of information available.

Selling Arts And Crafts Online

If you are an artsy person, you have a great opportunity to make money by selling your crafts online on websites like Etsy. You can sell a wide variety of hand-made items like art pieces, photography, clothing, jewelry, food, bath and beauty products, quilts, knick-knacks, and toys, etc. It is easier than setting up a transactional website and Etsy charges a very small fee to list and process your products. You can also sell your products on eBay. It allows you to auction things as an eBay Powerseller.

Making quick and hassle-free cash from the confines of your home might sound like a bit of a scam to you, and in many cases it really is! Despite the fraud-scare, there are some genuine and easy ways of making money from home.




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