June 21

Above Rubies by Jaclyn Hawkes Interview


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above rubiesAbove Rubies

His chivalry was strangling her.
He thought he was helping her—and in truth, he was. She was in desperate straits. But as honorable as he was, he was also breaking her heart.
Her attraction was drowning him.
When World Champion rodeo cowboy Rossen Rockland and his friends rescue a young runaway who has been abused by her foster father and take her home to his parents’ ranch, he expects her to turn out to be a pain in the neck. And sometimes she is.
It doesn’t take him long to figure out that she has way more than her allotment of troubles—and far more than her share of gifts. Lovely, talented, and ravingly brilliant, Kit Star is too young, unbelievably humble, and oh, so loveable. Knowing that she needs his protection and time to grow into her potential, Rossen also figures out that what she really is, is a pain in the heart.
Watch for more of the Rockland Ranch Series!

Praise for Above Rubies:

I absolutely could not put this book down. It had me laughing, crying, angry and pretty much every other emotion. I can not wait for the next one in the series to come out. Keep them coming!!! ~Addicted to Books

peace riverPeace River (Book 1)

The police didn’t understand the danger, but she did. Her father had always been abusive, but now, with a ten million dollar Thoroughbred farm on the line, and a powerful bookie leaning on him, her father had become out of control. But how do you get away and take a world famous stallion with you? Carrie was getting desperate when a handsome and honorable but thoroughly cynical rodeo cowboy from Wyoming happened to show up with a horse trailer. He didn’t ride a white horse, but he was definitely a knight in shining armor.

He’ll protect her from the mob, but can she survive falling in love with a bull rider?

Praise for Peace River

“Give me a clean romance, humor and a good looking cowboy and I’m a happy girl. LDS fiction isn’t always my favorite but I really enjoyed the characters and adventure in this book.” ~Carol – Goodreads

“There was plenty of action, adventure and danger to keep me guessing just how everything was going to turn out. I didn’t want to put it down until I finished! Jaclyn Hawkes is one of my favorite LDS romance authors. You really can’t go wrong with any of her books that you pick up!” ~Cathy -Goodreads



jaclynAuthor Jaclyn M. Hawkes

Jaclyn M. Hawkes grew up in Utah with 6 sisters, 4 brothers and any number of pets. (It was never boring!) She got a bachelor’s degree, had a career and traveled extensively before settling down to her life’s work of being the mother of four magnificent and sometimes challenging children. She loves shellfish, the out of doors, the youth and hearing her children laugh. She and her fine husband, their family, and their sometimes very large pets, now live in a mountain valley in northern Utah, where it smells like heaven and kids still move sprinkler pipe.


 Is this your first book or have you published before?Above Rubies is the second book in my Rockland Ranch series.  This is my first series, (there will be at least 6), but I have had 4 other stand alone books published earlier.


Are you working on anything else? I am working on several more books right now.  I have a historical set in 1869 in south central Utah dealing with the Blackhawk War.  I have a contemporary story about a young single mother.  The next one to come out, Healing Creek, is actually my first non-LDS book, (still non-erotica of course).  It’s a fun story about a lovely and gracious marriage counselor who finds out her husband is chronically unfaithful and what happens to her.  It’s getting great reviews!  After that is my medieval tale, Warrior’s Moon!

Do you have any advice for authors wanting to publish? My advice for other authors wanting to publish is to:

Remember that writing is a medium of influence and try to be one of the good guys.

Decide what your goal is.  Do you just want to say you’ve been published?  That you’re published by a “real” publisher—whatever that is?  Do you want cold hard cash?  Do you want to change the world?  What?

For me, at first I wasn’t sure why I wanted to write.  Then, when I realized it was going to take a lot of work and time away from my family, I made a decision that it had to be financially worth my time if I was going to go to the effort.  Staying with the publishers who initially picked me up was definitely not worth it.  Publishing independently has been far more lucrative and satisfying.  Now I know that writing is a great gig!

What is your favorite writing snack?I don’t really have a favorite writing snack.  Actually, I wouldn’t recommend writing and snacking.  You may or may not have noticed that some writers have a distinctive figure.  It tends to not be a hugely physically fit occupation.  Try to go easy on the snacks.  Dang.  Now you just made me hungry.

What gets you in the mood to write?Typically, I don’t need to be “in the mood” to write.  I usually just need some uninterrupted time.

Who is your favorite character and why? Who is my favorite character?  Hhmmm . . .  I think my favorite character so far would have to be Prince Laird in Warrior’s Moon.  That hasn’t been released yet—it should launch in the next couple of months, but Prince Laird is a scream.  He has such a great sense of humor but still has that deep well of substance.  He isn’t the main hero, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to get his own book because his character took on such a life of its own.

Favorite book of all time?My favorite book of all time is Jennie Hansen’s All That I Hold Dear.  It has it all, romance, suspense, danger, humor, avalanches, explosions, espionage, sword fighting.  Okay, so it doesn’t really have sword fighting, but it has the rest and I always like that book.  I have a lot of other favorites, too.  I love all my stories, but my favorite book that I’ve written is The Outer Edge of Heaven just because it’s such a fun story, but I also love Warrior’s Moon.

What made you want to write this book?What made me want to write this book?  Honestly, before Above Rubies, I had only written Peace River and didn’t really have plans to keep writing.  But then one day, I had a bit of a mommy moment and put myself in time out and surprisingly, I began Above Rubies.  Then it kind of snowballed, obviously.

I think breakfast says a lot about a person, what is your perfect breakfast?My favorite breakfast is scrangled eggs.  You start with bacon chunks and add eggs and tons of veggies like onions, mushrooms, squash, spinach, celery, bell pepper and top it all with handfuls of cheese.  So good!  It’s best in “The Pan”.  We have this gihugic skillet that is like two and half feet across with about a three foot handle that we use at family reunions.  Add some toast with strawberry jam and cold milk.  Eat it outdoors on the deck.  That’s the best ever.

Do you have a favorite period of time that you like to write about or would like to live?I don’t really have a favorite time I like to write about, although the knight in shining armor era certainly has its romance.  Really, I just write what comes to me.  It’s not like I decide what ideas to have.

Please tell us in one sentence why we should read your book!You should read my book, Above Rubies because it’s a wonderful story that will take you out of reality for a little mini refresher.  You’ll have that happy sigh and be good for another 10,000 miles!

Thanks so much for letting me be a part of your blog, Jaclyn


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