November 3

Affordable Scarves Review and Contest


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  I live in Florida so I don't think much about scarves. Don't get me wrong, I live on the cusp of NORTHERN Florida so it does get chilly. But by the time it does I'm running to the store trying to find  a winter scarf to keep me warm.

I was actually REALLY excited to review the aurora scarf. I chose mine in green. I like nice solid colored scarves . They seem to go with more.

Mine is actually a Shaw and it is so pretty! I was amazed. I honestly didn't expect much because affordable is in the name but it is good quality and oh so warm.

I tried and tried to get my girls to take a picture of me in it but well they are 5 & 7 and let's say it didn't work out. So I took a picture of my little one to show you what it looked like.

The scarf is as big as her but you can get an idea.

I've already used it and I LOVE it!

AffordableScarves is offer one of Taking Time for Mommy Readers a $20 Gift certificate to their store.

Visit their Blog

Fill out the Form below to win!




Disclosure – I received a product to review for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received.


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