February 6

Age of Awakening Series Sale and Freebie


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Age of Awakening Series Sale $.99 each!

Immortal Dynasty (Age of Awakening Book 1)

Some dynasties transcend time and space.

Underneath urban Boston, an ancient Evil unleashes its dark legacy, feasting on human souls while it awaits the age of the prophecy.

Darius Alexander, expert antiquities tracker, doesn’t believe in the prophecies – until he helplessly watches his grandfather being carried away by demons. He tracks them back to their queen, but rescue plans change when an Egyptian statue comes to life and melts into his arms. Nothing is as important as saving his grandfather, but will this exotic goddess be a bargaining chip…or a secret weapon?

True power finds immortality in the bloodline.

Shaila a’k’Hemet, goddess of war and protection, awakens in a strange new world and breathes fresh air for the first time in over three thousand sun cycles. Her destiny is to protect the royal child of the prophecy, but she discovers the demon army is already growing. Her powers are weak– and the child is missing. Fate has dropped her into the arms of a human who has the skills to help her…but will he?

Blood never lies.
UBL: books2read.com/u/4jDjEj
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0074N7C5C

Immortal Dominion (Age of Awakening Book 2)

She craves freedom and life…

BASE jumper Jayden Hamilton fears the strange disease racking her body will soon imprison her in a hospital bed. Determined to make the most of the time her body has left, a jump from the Great Pyramid goes horribly wrong. As she drops out of her normal world and lands in a dark one filled with dragons and demons, she sees an opportunity. But it comes with a deadly price. In documenting the most extreme adventure of her life, she could be destroying the one man who can truly save her and set her free.

Others crave what lurks in her veins…

Deep in his cave, Seth Eanki is safe from the bloodlust which haunts him, though his self-imposed exile has left him bitter. When Jayden literally falls into his life, he dares to believe that destiny is offering him a second chance. But demons lurk in shadows even deeper than those he carries in his soul. In renewing his ancient vow to protect humans, he could be jeopardizing the life of the most precious one of all ? the woman who soothes the beast inside him.

Truth is in the Blood.
UBL: books2read.com/u/bP5Mzr
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A0Q1XD2

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