February 4

All Natural Bath Tub Cleaner

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All Natural Bath Cleaner

Not only is natural cleaning good for you and your environment but it is also good for your budget too.

I originally found this recipe on Martha Steward but I changed it a bit to make it work better for me.

It's EXTREMELY simple and you should have everything on hand any way.

I only make what I need for the very moment I'm cleaning.

What you need :

2 – Heaping scoops of baking soda (with natural cleaning I always have a HUGE bag on hand I get from Sam's)

1 – Squirt of liquid soap. For all natural  use a glycerin soap such as Clearly Natural. It only takes a squirt so it goes a long way.

3.  A Few Drops of Tea Tree Oil. It's a disinfectant and smells so good! I always have it around for everything from brushing teeth to cleaning boo boos. The best price I have found has been the Now Foods brand. You get a lot of quality product for your money.

It cleans the ring in our bath tub just as easily as traditional commercial cleaners but smells MUCH better and it even cleans the grout.

I know tea tree oil can irritate some people's skin. I never get it on me while cleaning but maybe you should wear gloves if you are sensitive.


natural cleaning, shower cleaner

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