December 30

Almond Butter Granola Bars Recipe


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We are headed to Iowa today.  After a week in Wisconsin, it is time to start the drive home.  On the way we get to spend a couple days with friends in Iowa.  My 7 year old is super excited to see his old friends again.  He has adjusted amazingly well to Colorado, but still remembers what we left behind.  I am excited to get to see my friends too, should be a great time.

Once we get back home it will be time to get back to eating better again.  Vacation always derails me.  I will have to stock the fridge with these granola bars again, so I have something I won’t feel guilty eating.  I have been wanting to try Almond Butter, and finally I bought a jar at Costco a few weeks ago.  I adapted another Granola Bars recipe we loved, and used the Almond Butter.  My son loved them.  I was honestly surprised, there is a lot of almond flavor, but he ate them like crazy!

Unfortunately, these do need to be kept cool, so they aren’t great for a road trip or hiking.  But they are a great reward once you get back home!

For other great recipes like this check out Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts
Greek Vinaigrette – Great for summer salads, marinating meat for the grilled, or on pasta salad!
Strawberry Aqua Fresca – Perfect use of fresh strawberries for a refreshing drink.
BLAT’s – Quick and easy sandwich for lunch or dinner.
Blackberry Crumb Cake – Berries are all over the place, this cake is great for fresh blackberries.
Blueberry Muffins – A classic blueberry muffin, with fresh blueberries.

Almond Butter Granola Bars Recipe
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup Almond Butter
1/3 cup honey
2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cup chopped almonds

Line an 8×8 in baking pan in foil.

In a small sauce pan heat oil, almond butter, and honey over a medium heat.  Once melted and fully combined mix in the oats, cinnamon, almonds and semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Stir until the chocolate chips are melted.  Spread into prepared pan.  Put in fridge until completely set.  Cut into 12 bars.  Store in the fridge.

Erin Sellin is the resident recipe contributor for Taking Time for Mommy – Online Magazine for Moms. You can also  find her on her own blog Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts and on facebook.


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