January 7

Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging Book Giveaway


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Anti-Aging Cures: Life Changing Secrets to Reverse the Effects of Aging
by Dr. James Forsythe

Are you tired of searching for the fountain of youth? Well, look no more. In this book, Nevada medical oncologist Dr. James Forsythe, one of the world’s leading anti-aging experts, reveals how to slow and even reverse the aging process. Based on meticulously researched clinical evidence, Anti-Aging Cures provides an account of revolutionary anti-aging treatments that can prevent the health conditions associated with getting old.

The key to youth, good health, and vitality as we age comes from our body’s master hormone, human growth hormone (HGH). By rejuvenating the master hormone gland using a range of safe and natural biostimulators, as the book shows, we can improve the quality and duration of the human lifespan, prevent heart disease and obesity, and maintain optimal health as we mature. The medically documented and proven benefits include: loss of body-fat mass, improved skin texture and tone, improved bone density, improved libido and sleep quality, and much more.

Dr. Forsythe, who wrote the official United States government protocol for administering growth hormone to fight aging, describes how readers can harness the power of biostimulators safely, legally, and naturally, to combat the ravages of aging. Anti-Aging Cures will teach you how all of these natural cures for aging work their magic on the human body.

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  1. I want this soooooo much!!! I am excited to even have a chance to win this so thank you for the giveaway!

    I have been using antiaging products on my face, neck, chest and backs of hands, since my 20s and have not laid in sun since teens. I use high spfs and I also drink lots of water, eat high antioxidants and take collagen and biotin for skin, hair and nails.

    I would really get into this book and take it seriously! I would be so grateful to win this book!

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